Taking Jacksons Outside


New Member

Im in western pa and was wondering when it is safe to take my jacksons out for the day like what is the minimal temp that is safe to take them out we have had some really sunny days and id like to get him out for some sun but wanted to see what temp i should be aiming for?

I'd assume similar temperatures as to that in his cage. I wouldn't take them outside under 70-75 degrees.
I'd say 60 would be the minimum but with no wind and good sunlight. I would recomend not to take him/her down in temp drastically though. From like 75 down to 60 in 2.5 seconds. could be detrimental! Bring The Cham down slowly in temps if you plan that much temp changes.. Good strong direct sun will be a warming effect at its own at those lower temps.
im probably gona wait just a couple more weeks then because it has been pretty windy its calm todya but yesterday we had a tree blow down in our yard so ill just wait till i can take him and the bird out and put them in the screened patio.Will be safe to leave him out over nite if hes in a screen attached room?
Yea but only when the Night temps do not get to low. I would not risk anything below 55 just to be on the safe side. I know some Chams can probubly go lower, BUT why risk it!?
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