Taking to the vet


Hello. I believe I will be having to take my chameleon to the vet. I just noticed that he is starting to sleep during the tail end of the day while his lights are still on which I know usually is not a good sign.
Please be kind to me- this will be the first time I take him to the vet. I have had chameleons before that I was able to get to the vet just fine that were friendly but he is a way different ball game than any of my others. He is very skiddish and aggressive. I usually just let him be and keep my distance from him when I need to get in his cage/feed him.

I am worried how this trip to the vet will affect his stress level post appointment.
He is still eating every morning, still venturing around the cage, basking, and drinking. I am worried of jeopardizing his current routine and creating new stress due to high stress trying to capture him, being in the box on the way to the vet and the vets handling him but I just want my little man to be feeling his best.

I was just curious all your experiences with aggressive/high stress chams post vet visit? It’s stressing me out that I will have more issues post visit getting him adjusted back. Thank you so much.
Hi. what time do lights go off and what time do you usually catch him sleeping? sometimes they will tuck themselves in early and will have their eyes closed a little before lights out.
I’m going to see when I get home today from work but his lights go on at 7 am and off at 7 pm and he has been closing his eyes probably about 5ish? He does respond immediately and will wake up when we walk over to his cage. It’s on the same branch in the top back of his cage below his uvb. He does usually like to sleep there at night
I’m wondering the same as @TheMotherChameleon if he’s maybe just going to sleep a bit early. How old is he? We could go over husbandry if you want just to make sure there isn’t anything off before going to the vet. https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/how-to-ask-for-help.66/ When I’ve taken my more aggressive veileds to the vet, they did much better during the visit than I expected. After getting back home, they maybe retreated to the back of their enclosures for the rest of the day, but were fine the next day.
I’m wondering the same as @TheMotherChameleon if he’s maybe just going to sleep a bit early. How old is he? We could go over husbandry if you want just to make sure there isn’t anything off before going to the vet. https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/how-to-ask-for-help.66/ When I’ve taken my more aggressive veileds to the vet, they did much better during the visit than I expected. After getting back home, they maybe retreated to the back of their enclosures for the rest of the day, but were fine the next day.
Chameleon Info:
    • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
    • Male Panther chameleon, 4 years old. Been in my care since he was a baby.

    • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Never - I leave him be.

    • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Mainly Dubia roaches with the occasional hornworm/silkworm/wax worm. He gets about 4-5 schmedium roaches a day. Yes. He’s getting blended gutload of greens, orange, apple, sweet potato, bell pepper, yellow squash, carrot, bee pollen, mazuri better bug gutloading diet, repashy superload - mashed up and frozen pellets

    • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
  • He gets supplemented with calcium without D3 at every feeding everyday, calcium with D3 twice monthly (every other Wednesday) and herptivite twice monthly (every other Wednesday)

    • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
  • Yes I see him trying to drink. I have a mistking for him. Misting schedule

    9:00 am - 2 min

    11:00 am- 1:30 min

    12:00 pm- 1:30 min

    2:00 pm- 2:30 min

    3:00 pm- 1:20 min

    5:00 pm- 1:20 min

    And I have a humidifier run during the day since my state is very dry and doesn’t have much humidity. It’s is turned off during night time.

    I also have a reptibreeze 2x2x4 ft with clear shower curtain around the three sides to help obtain humidity.

    • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
  • No he has not been tested. I’m not sure his exact poop cycles but from the droppings in the cage they look mostly white with formed brown ends.

    • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
  • I’ve had him since a baby. He is very aggressive/skiddish.

    Cage Info:
    • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
  • Reptibreeze screen with 3 sides of shower curtain to help retain humidity. 2x2x4 feet.

    • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Arcadia 100 watt heat lamp, reptisun 22inch 5.0 T5 HO and a jungle dawn Arcadia 34 watt 22.5” plant light.

    Lights on at 7 am and off at 7 pm.

    • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
  • Basking ranges from 80-86

    Mid cage ranges high 60s-low 70s. He spends most of his time at the top.

    Overnight temps are high 60s-low 70s.

    I have sensors with Bluetooth readings on an app and temperature gauges you buy from the store.

    • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
  • Basking area 30-40%

    Lower cage 60-80% (again spends most time at top of cage)

    • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
  • Mainly pothos throughout cage. Tried a palm at the bottom but it died.

    • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
  • In living room near a window. Not sure traffic through the front room where he is at. The cage sits at least 2 feet off the ground, maybe higher. It sits on a stand.

    • Location - Where are you geographically located?
  • Denver, Colorado


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Your husbandry looks pretty good. Only a few things are jumping out at me and I can’t say if they would be enough to make your guy ill. Really it’s all mostly picayune stuff and obviously he’s been doing well with you all his life. His age is the biggest factor. Sadly, at age 4 he’s getting up there in years and his going to bed early might just be a sign of that. I’d like to see how he looks as feeding him that much daily could easily cause a weight concern. Chameleons don’t handle being overweight as well as we do internally. Usually once they are adults, it’s best to feed from 2-3 times a week to every other day. Diets rich in roaches (high protein) have been said to be a factor in causing gout, which is from changes in the kidneys. My vet told me that and it’s something that was discussed and debated a bit here a while back. The other regarding his food is use of Repashy Superload. Often that’s too high in some nutrients/vitamins and has been identified/suspected (anecdotally) as a contributing factor to some chams who fell sick. I’d say to have a fecal check done if you do take him to the vet. Also some labs would help determine his organ function.
You’re misting a lot during the day, but you said you are in a dry area. I would not use a fogger at all during the day. High heat plus high humidity greatly increases risks for respiratory infection. If your night temps are consistently below around 68, use the fogger at night and let the humidity go as high as possible. Maybe try adding more plants to help increase and maintain humidity and have more little pockets of higher humidity he can move into if he chooses.
Has your uvb bulb been changed within the past 6-8 months?
He doesn’t at all look overweight, so you can disregard my suggestion to decrease his feeding frequency. Nothing about his appearance jumps out at me either. He looks good. A vet visit is always a good idea if you have some concerns. If you do take him, do take a fresh fecal. That plus labs should give some better answers.
Hello there! I think you’ll find this is a very kind community with people who just want to help chameleons and their keepers. Welcome to the forum!
One thing to note... Those larger dowels are very hard for them to grip. They are too large for them to wrap their foot around them. I would replace them with smaller branches that he can actually grab with his feet. Due to his size I would suggest getting a fecal done to ensure he does not have a parasite load.

100watt basking bulb only getting 80-86 basking temps is off to me. This would produce much hotter temps unless you have this fixture lifts a good 12 inches away from the branches.
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