Tame? Please check this out, need help!


New Member
Hey all!:D
I've got a veiled chameleon and I wonder how it "works" when it comes to taking them out from the terrarium. Either to just hold and look at her or feed her from my hand!
She sometimes climbs up on my hand by herself. She never hisses or get spots, and the tail is usually spiraling. Can be straight, tho mostly if there's another person in the room etc.
How often would you guys say is "good" (Not dangeraus, bad or anything like that) to take her out?
She often sits still in my hand with, yeah... The tail spiraling and her just watching all over the place. Eats directly from my hand if I put a worm in it (The other hand of course).:eek:

There's so many people saying different things. Some are say that the Chameleon is just an animal to observe if you're not fixing the terrarium. Some are saying that 1-2 times on 1-2 weeks. And some are saying that 1-2 each 1-4 day.

Right now I'm picking her up like, once a day for some minutes. She's all just calm sitting there, no stress as I can tell :eek:;)

Would really appreciate to hear your guys opinion, need all the help I can get for my loving Chameleon!

Here she is! :)

And here's a pic of when she's in my hand like it was a cave. Had to open it up a bit and take a pic. Also there's quite black nails there haha, was working in the terrarium a bit that day! :D

/Thanks, Peter:)
Better? Or is it the same? :eek: Was huge at start but shrinked 'em.. Needs to be smaller? :>

Nah they are better now, it stretched out the window before.

And to answer your question, chameleons aren't really meant to be handled often from my understanding, but your veiled seems very friendly and doesn't seem to mind being handled. Since she is so young I think handling now would be a good thing since she would get used to it when she's older. '

Really they're just like fish, pretty to look at but no real need to handle.
Nah they are better now, it stretched out the window before.

And to answer your question, chameleons aren't really meant to be handled often from my understanding, but your veiled seems very friendly and doesn't seem to mind being handled. Since she is so young I think handling now would be a good thing since she would get used to it when she's older. '

Really they're just like fish, pretty to look at but no real need to handle.

Aha hehe.:)
Yeah I mean.. All veiled doesn't have the "same personality" just because they're the same species. And she is really calm etc in the hand, sometimes she just doesn't wanna leave the terrarium and then I leave her be.
I tried on a swedish forum, talked about this etc... They were saying that it's like, NOT GOOD AT ALL etc.
But that depends on the chameleon in my opinion, some might like it... Some might not. Am I right?
A little bit of love doesn't hurt I guess, since she seem to like it.:)
I know a lot of members here handle their chameleons, I am just not sure of how often. Hopefully some other memebers will chime in with better answers. :D

I am currently struggling to get my chameleon used to being handled, I put it off at first and now it's a waiting game.
From what I have read on this forum it really does depend on the character of your Chameleon. Some like it, some dont.

My Veiled will happily climb right next to me but as soon as my hand goes near him he gets defensive. So, he obviously isnt frightened of me he just doesnt like to be picked up. Other members of this forum have Veiled's that you cant even get near, and others are happily handled. I wouldnt recommend over-handling though.
Like all animals, there are some that are just a bit more study and friendly than the rest of them. Also, the complete opposite can happen.

Really...I think that if your cham is enjoying being handled thats great!

Just don't push it's buttons and have it ride your dog like a pony or put a leash on it and walk it around your neighborhood aka still use some caution when handling.

Congrats on having a gorgeous cham with a great personality! Whats better than that?:D
Looks like she trusts you. I suggest handling regularly to keep her that way, if she is attached to you, I imagine it's less stressful than people trying to handle an aggressive Chameleon.
When I first got my lil guy he hated me, well hate is a strong word..Ha :) He was annoyed with me. Puffing and telling me to back off. The great news is after a few months he knows that I’m the one that feeds him and that I'm not out to harm him. Every time he sees me he wants to climb up on me and hang out. He eats from my hand as well. Every so often he has pms and will be like back off women...lol :D Just have patients and keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t take him out to often, but do interact with him as often through the cage. Try not to stress him out.
Its all about TRUST. I handfeed my chams thier favorite treats and over time they have learned to trust me! Try taking a superworm and luring your cham onto your arm. It does take time and it isnt easy. Just note that chams don't like thier backs to be confined when they are being held. It makes them feel threatened. Atleast mine is like that and I have also read that on here several times. You also what to make handling as least stressful as possible. BUT some chams don't want to be held and can't be tamed.
Thanks for the replies guys, helps alot! Really wanna know what to do with my Chameleon so she doesn't get ill, hurt or any of that.
Since there's so much different information on the internet it's quite hard. But the Chameleon forums kinda feels right, the name and the people (Everyone has a chameleon etc)! And I guess some of you had more then 1 etc etc.

Hehe, some guys at this swedish forum is really.. Yeah. CAN'T touch my chameleon because it's not good for him! (If you ain't going to the vet or something).

But since the Chameleon CAN recognize you, it's possible to get a bond. And yeah.. Don't think the Chameleon will die just because it gets some love. Tho I do believe that the air isn't too good for them. (That's what most people says at the forum also around the internet).

Any water system you guys could recommend? Right now I've got a plastic "pipe" thingie dripping a bit...

Btw, you guys have awesomely beautiful Chameleons!!!
Id say just change the way you are handling it. Let them use your fingers as branches, and climb on top, don't scoop them up and hold them close handed. There's a video from a reputable breeder about dealing with chameleons, I forget where the link is but I'm sure if you search you can find it.

Basically if they instigate their front hands on you, slowly lift your hand up while under their chin, they will follow suit and grab on your hand with the back legs as you slowly rise your hand.... it works great for me if I'm taking my guy out of the enclosure, however he's got a very calm and social temperament.
I was using the Zoomed mister, but invested in the Mistking about 3 months later. It’s a little pricy, but worth it. I wish I would've purchased it at the beginning. Such a great machine. Highly recommend and you will see other posts about it as well. I purchased the Ultimate Value Misting System, but you can go with the starter. I have a massive cage, so it helped me.

In my experience it's a great deal to do with the personality of the Cham and then finding a balance ...interaction but not stressing. Interaction is just getting the Cham to eat from your hand or while your standing there and cleaning the cage. If you have one that lets you hold him/her, then great. But be cautious. She may grow up and get stressed later. Daily seems a bit much. Good luck.
I was using the Zoomed mister, but invested in the Mistking about 3 months later. It’s a little pricy, but worth it. I wish I would've purchased it at the beginning. Such a great machine. Highly recommend and you will see other posts about it as well. I purchased the Ultimate Value Misting System, but you can go with the starter. I have a massive cage, so it helped me.


Really intressed in that machine, thanks. My terrarium isn't that big, probably have to get a bigger one when she gets older hehe:D

What material do you have on the floor? Atm I've got "newspaper"... Had some other stuff earlier, hmm... It looks like, small wooden pieces etc. Hard to explain, but I hope you know what I mean.
And when that got wet, it hardly dissapeared even tho it's quite hot in there and above the "warm carpet thingie under the terrarium" (Suck at these things, just know the words etc on swedish haha:( )

So if you've got a misting system, what "floor" would be best? So it's not wet like, forever and always:D

I appreciate all of you guys replies!:):D
Really intressed in that machine, thanks. My terrarium isn't that big, probably have to get a bigger one when she gets older hehe:D

What material do you have on the floor? Atm I've got "newspaper"... Had some other stuff earlier, hmm... It looks like, small wooden pieces etc. Hard to explain, but I hope you know what I mean.
And when that got wet, it hardly dissapeared even tho it's quite hot in there and above the "warm carpet thingie under the terrarium" (Suck at these things, just know the words etc on swedish haha:( )

So if you've got a misting system, what "floor" would be best? So it's not wet like, forever and always:D

I appreciate all of you guys replies!:):D

i free range my chams, but use the cheap adheasive tiles from homedepot..it helps pick up any excess mist, and it dries off...as for handling..i used to never hold my chams..then i got this pair of ambilobes..and i swear they want me to hold them all damn day!! lol and if im holding one, the other gets jealous and runs over to me, like "hold mee too!!" lol..

heres a vid of the set up..but you can see the cheap tiles i use..


and heres my female beeing friendly as usuall..need to get one of the male next..

i free range my chams, but use the cheap adheasive tiles from homedepot..it helps pick up any excess mist, and it dries off...as for handling..i used to never hold my chams..then i got this pair of ambilobes..and i swear they want me to hold them all damn day!! lol and if im holding one, the other gets jealous and runs over to me, like "hold mee too!!" lol..

heres a vid of the set up..but you can see the cheap tiles i use..


and heres my female beeing friendly as usuall..need to get one of the male next..


HAHA, so awesome!!!!!:D Really love how she walks up and starts looking at you like that!!!:D
Is it just the panther, or your panthers? I mean, is nearly all the panther chams like that?

Hmm, it's a good sign when a Chameleon shed, right? Any known problems about shedding? oO
people here know I am a big advocate of handling, if your cham is ok with it and doesnt stress out. I happen to hold all my chams all the time, they all enjoy the time out of their cages. they go from me, to inside freerange, to outdoor sunning cages, to outdoor freerange.
Krash just hangs with me while I do chores, or walk to the local store.
So its up to you and your cham, its an indiviual cham thing

SD, i feel the same way some times!. they are worse than puppies, its hard to get things done when you have chams giving you the "stink eye" because you arent hangin with them!!
HAHA, so awesome!!!!!:D Really love how she walks up and starts looking at you like that!!!:D
Is it just the panther, or your panthers? I mean, is nearly all the panther chams like that?

Hmm, it's a good sign when a Chameleon shed, right? Any known problems about shedding? oO

mist them extra while they are shedding..(i always increase humidity while mine shed)

as for the "tame-ness" of these guys..i really dont know..although out of all the "chill" chams ive seen or had jacksons, and pnthers seem the most tame, or relaxed..as for veileds..ive only seen a few that were cool..the rest are angry (including my huge male oracle, he was soo damn mean..unless i had food..and he was free range too..right in the living room)its rare to have a cool veiled!!...ive also seen mean ass panthers too tho..it always just comes down to the cham..if they are chill or not
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