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How do I tame or train my chameleons to walk strait onto my hand or I might use a sock so she doesn't eat my hand (it's confusing look at my other thread to understand) and I want her to walk strait on to my hands (or sock) so I can handle her. I need help so I can train her to do this. Any suggestions on what I should do?
Be patient. Some chameleons will never be comfortable with handling. Others take to it right away. It depends on the chameleons personality. Be patient and persistent. My veiled will only hand feed from me and refuses to get too close to me but will go out of his way to climb into my girlfriends hand when she is cleaning the cage.
Chameleons aren't meant to be handled, they did not evolve to enjoy social contact. Being patient, slow, gentle, and consistent will be your best chances to have a "tame" chameleon. Not to say that it's not possible, but if you got a chameleon because you wanted something to interact with and hold, you got the wrong animal. Even if they *seem* to like it, it's not healthy to constantly handle them. That all said, there's nothing wrong with your cham choosing to climb up your arm for a few minutes, but that trust takes time to establish.
If you expect your chameleon to be like that you did not do proper research prior to purchasing yer chameleon or you are just very selective in what information you choose to believe.

You should not force handling on your cham, it causes stress and will eventually only work against you.
Take your time and do everything on his terms.
He needs to be used to you being around him and know you're not a predator before you can take the next step, which usually is hand feeding. If you can hand feed it will be easier to lure him onto your arm later on.
Try letting her see the food and move the food up your hand and arm and see if you can get her to get on you that way. Normally once out of the cage they are more friendly. To be honest, in my experience, chameleons do not like being caged and that can cause them to become territorial and cage aggressive. When we were in Afirica and Madagascar most of the wild chameleons had no problem at all with me picking them up. We would move them to a special area for pictures and them put them back exactly where we found them.

You might find this blog helpful. https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/the-taming-of-the-chameleon.746/
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