Taming a WC veiled chameleon.

I wouldn't get too hopeful, but hand feeding is probably going to be your best bet. I'm actually kind of surprised that he is already eating from your hands after only a couple of weeks. If he was mine, I would give him a couple of months to really settle in and get used to hand feeding and what not. If he decides he wants to take it a little faster, then go ahead, but I wouldn't push things along too fast.

EDIT: If he will only hand feed with hornworms. Then only offer hornworms through hand feeding. Then he will hopefully realize that you are the wonderful giant who brings bright green, squishy, tasty wormies that he can't find anywhere else.
I wouldn't get too hopeful, but hand feeding is probably going to be your best bet. I'm actually kind of surprised that he is already eating from your hands after only a couple of weeks. If he was mine, I would give him a couple of months to really settle in and get used to hand feeding and what not. If he decides he wants to take it a little faster, then go ahead, but I wouldn't push things along too fast.
Sounds good I'll keep doing what I was doing.
I am making an outdoor cage for him as I live in Florida and that is where he was caught, what size cage would you guys recommend I make for him?
A really big one. If you can make a huge cage for him, I would do it since he is used to the great outdoors.

PS - I edited my post, make sure you read that part. Only hand feed hornworms.
Sounds good I'll keep doing what I was doing.
I am making an outdoor cage for him as I live in Florida and that is where he was caught, what size cage would you guys recommend I make for him?

The bigger the better, honestly! The minimum recommended cage size for an adult is 4' tall x 2' wide and deep but if you can go bigger then he would really appreciate it, especially since he's WC.
He looks awesome! I love how he looks around suspiciously. You can tell he's like, yummy! Wait... Wait.. Bam! ;) good luck with him!
hahaha my old veiled was CB and acted how you described yours does.....he never let me hand feed. nor did he eat while i was in direct sight hahaha! For a veiled its hit or miss but you got something going there man! awesome veiled too! congrats and good luck!
hand feeding is probably going to be your best bet. I'm actually kind of surprised that he is already eating from your hands after only a couple of weeks. If he was mine, I would give him a couple of months to really settle in and get used to hand feeding and what not. If he decides he wants to take it a little faster, then go ahead, but I wouldn't push things along too fast..

She speaks the truth.
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