
What's a porcupine? heeheehee
Taste like chicken.
sorry -had to throw that in there.. :LOL:

LOL My bad! Many tarantulas are ground dwellers but there are also arboreal depends on the species. But if I am not mistaken all can climb because they have claws like nails- similar to praying mantis, stick insects. Pretty cools stuff.

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My son caught a turantula when he was about 11 or 12. We kept it for about a month just to see what it does. This was when we lived in California. I don’t know what kind it was but it was big. I read books about how to keep them. I set up a tank with deep eco earth and put a toilet paper cardboard roll into the eco earth to make him a hide which is what the book said to do. We would add a couple crickets here and there but he never did eat. He just stayed in his hole so finally we let him go. I’ve got a fear of spiders and never want to do that again! Lol!
My son caught a turantula when he was about 11 or 12. We kept it for about a month just to see what it does. This was when we lived in California. I don’t know what kind it was but it was big. I read books about how to keep them. I set up a tank with deep eco earth and put a toilet paper cardboard roll into the eco earth to make him a hide which is what the book said to do. We would add a couple crickets here and there but he never did eat. He just stayed in his hole so finally we let him go. I’ve got a fear of spiders and never want to do that again! Lol!
I am still scared of him/her it can run really fast
FYI- From the first picture it seems you might have a boy if that is a "hook" on the front leg (I can only see one) but both legs should have them.
They use them to protect themselves during breeding and hook the females leg up so she does not pounce and eat him after breeding.

If you put your hand in the tank and let your tarantula crawl onto your hand that is better than reaching in. It will think you are a bird or predator and run. It will take time or learn how to grab from above to hold, it makes them not move they become paralyzed. It will take time, just remember the males only live a few years, but the females can live many years (I read- males 3 and females up to 11).

Just go slow and take your time. They usually don't just bite, they will lift their front legs up in defense, giving you a warning.

photo taken from google image. Thank you google
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