Teach a chameleon?

Please re-read my last post.

I did not treat it properly because I did not know anything about it!!

It did not come with a care sheet, I did not buy it, it was basically dumped. I took it in because it is a awesome creature.

With the use of the information on the forum, and the nice people and their suggestions will help make a better chameleon caretaker better.

So I am looking for positive information, not negative. Now I know more about the chameleon, I leave it alone. I personally catch grasshoppers around the place and feed it. Since I did not say how big it was how can someone determine if I am feeding it enough or not? Nor how big of grasshoppers.

So to bypass all the haters..

Chameleons are fragile, do not like to be held, their color changes with temperature and mood, females can lay eggs, eat bugs, learned about 'guttloading', dusting..etc.

So with patience and time, letting it see my hand to feed it, hopefully it will regain my trust. (Since I did not know it can 'trust', evidently it can)

Also, the previous owner had young kids, a family, who knows what they did to it over there..maybe that's why it wants to kill?

The fischer chameleon is going to have a fresh start since it is very small.

This may be a nice hobby to learn about and to enjoy.

Please re-read my last post.

I did not treat it properly because I did not know anything about it!!

It did not come with a care sheet, I did not buy it, it was basically dumped. I took it in because it is a awesome creature.

With the use of the information on the forum, and the nice people and their suggestions will help make a better chameleon caretaker better.

So I am looking for positive information, not negative. Now I know more about the chameleon, I leave it alone. I personally catch grasshoppers around the place and feed it. Since I did not say how big it was how can someone determine if I am feeding it enough or not? Nor how big of grasshoppers.

So to bypass all the haters..

Chameleons are fragile, do not like to be held, their color changes with temperature and mood, females can lay eggs, eat bugs, learned about 'guttloading', dusting..etc.

So with patience and time, letting it see my hand to feed it, hopefully it will regain my trust. (Since I did not know it can 'trust', evidently it can)

Also, the previous owner had young kids, a family, who knows what they did to it over there..maybe that's why it wants to kill?

The fischer chameleon is going to have a fresh start since it is very small.

This may be a nice hobby to learn about and to enjoy.


this is my feelings- there are no " haters" here- just very VERY passionate keepers - I have seen members go above and beyond for other members- offering free food, paying a vet bill, re-homing ,ect - the fact you are here, shows you want to learn, and care for her properly - BUT... I think you are seeing that they are very complex , and the fisher you just got, is not kept at all like the other- you will need 2 totally dif/ set up for heat,humidity, ect - one is tropical, the other not... here is the care sheet for the Veiled - https://www.chameleonforums.com/care/caresheets/veiled/ - there is really no "care sheet" for the fisher- I would follow the Jackson's sheet - sorta- the fisher is going to need much more exact husbandry - they are not really for beginners ( not being mean- just letting you know you need to do A LOT of research quickly - they are not very forgiving of husbandry mistakes )
your girl, please stop calling her " IT" - :eek: - but she will take some time to warm up, if ever - some just like to be left alone - do not give up on Kaiju , she just needs time , and more food - but you may want to re-home her, and concentrate on your little fisher- I know you want to do what is best for both, but I think you may have bitten off more than you know- again, not being mean, or hater - just saying, it may be better to give up one, so both have a better chance - the ppl on here are very helpful - when the right attitude is shown ;) and I do think you will become a good keeper, given that you take the advice of those who want to help - some comments may seem harsh to you- but it is to try to get you to understand the importance of the correct care - do you know what I mean ? so..... Welcome to the forum :)
I agree with Little Leaf. This site is full of people who are knowledgeable and passionate about this hobby. For many it is not just a hobby but a life time of devotion to the keeping of this fascinating animal. Also you are taking exception to many of the responses but you have to remember, we don't know you; and you cannot convey emotion or intent via text. Your initial post may have been tongue in cheek but it came across as cold and heartless. The last thing anyone wants is for you to abandon learning about these animals. What you have done is not the most ideal way to learn about them. I know this from personal experience as I lost my first chameleon because he was an impulse buy and I got bad advice on how to keep him. I did not find this forum until he was sick with MBD and he died as a result of my well meaning ignorance. As I said in another post I lost both of my boys within days of each other and their husbandry was spot on which goes to show you that even if you do things the proper way things can still go wrong. In true chameleon fashion they camouflage their illnesses until it is often too late. I understand and appreciate your attempt to rescue this poor animal from a bad situation and hope that things are going better for you and your cham. This is a great place to learn about chameleon care and trust me the motivation of the "haters" is the well being of your animal. So like Leaf, welcome to the forums and I wish you the best with your animals. This is a great group of keepers.
Thank you.

What do you mean by 'husbandry'?

yes, the care - if I had to sum it up,, its not so much that is " hard" to do, but its " hard " to get it right- and then you need to tweak it for each one - ex - I have a few Jax who love it much warmer than a few of the others - so I keep some hotter, some cooler - but I only know this after watching each one closely, learning , and getting to know each one :)
the main thing is, you are here , learning and we all were " new" once :) I still feel I need to learn much more- but that comes in time, experience, and with help from each other :)
like I said, this is THE BEST place :D many here to help you :)
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