TEMPORARY (about a month) baby panther cham cage. Needs Critiquing.


New Member
Here it is. Baby is about 2 months old. Let me know what you guys think. This will be his cage until about a week after new years. Trying not to make it too clutter so he can 100% see food at all times. Keeping the top open for more airflow and have small fan on. any other suggestions? i may be drilling a hole in the bottom of glass and putting a slight shim on it to allow drainage to one side with a bucket under.
please do criticize i appreciate it.
It could work for a small amount of time but, they need cages with more height than width. So I would suggest it be ok for a temporary cage but it would be best to get it in the planned cage ASAP as for the plants and what not it looks fine for a temp. cage but you'll need a top cover so it doesn't get out also make sure that the next cage is screen ! They need good air flow
yes like i said totally temp. it is until i decide what final enclosure i want. Idk what brand is best. And cheapest.
How old is the baby? That looks much too wide and short for anything but a tiny little baby. It doesnt look like you could use it for a month. Plus it appears that there is no top so the chameleon will escape.

I would recommend getting another cheap cage that is taller (like a reptarium or even a butterfly cage) until you can get the cage that you want. If you dont care about looks, a reptarium will work fine for the animal and is inexpensive for you.
DYIcages.com has some nicely made cages for a good price. (I just bought one at repticon :D )
But in any case I would not wait a month, alot can happen in that amount of time :) better safe now than sorry later as they say.

Best of luck! :)
ok so i switched to a 18 gal storage tote that has way more height. it is sitting on top of an aquarium so it can drain water out from bottom. Not using a lid but he definitely wont get out of this one. do i need a dripper or will a good heavy misting do fine twice a day?
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