He has not. I adopted a tegu many years ago who did have it, so I know a bit about it, but Ryan has always had a 6% uvb (juuuuust now about 6 months old), calcium supplementation with arcadia and repashy and (sorry I just put all this in his new vet file and typing this as my bf drives us to Ryan's appt), so I don't think it's that, he has always been very strapping and active.@MissSkittles is absolutely right...that type of surgery can't wait. If the tissue dries out it will become necrotic/die and I'm not sure what they will be able to do then.
K-Y jelly is the best lubricant to keep the tissue moist until the surgery is over.
He needs to be put under to do the surgery because it's painful. Usually a purse string suture is needed to keep things from popping out again after it's been put back.
I'm not a vet so I can't tell you if there is areas in for neutering him at the same time or not.
I would give him softer food for a while after the surgery too so it is easier to pass.
What supplements are you using and how often for each. Please be specific...especially about the calcium, phos, D3 and form of vitamin A.
Has he ever had MBD?