
This is my latest keeper from Fuego. Please meet Testarossa, 4.5 months. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364005302.536313.jpg
How exciting! :) cherry is amazing. She eats like a horse! I gave her 20 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch crickets and she ate them all!
He is gorgeous! Can't wait to see how he progresses color wise! Looks like he has a little of everything coming through. Love the red coming in on his belly and the hints of yellow on his face
Love the name!

Thanks! Most people associate it with Ferrari but not everyone knows it actually means "red head" in italian. Either way, I thought it was a unique name for an ambilobe. I'm trying to come up with names that haven't been used on this forum before....I don't thing I've seen another Testarossa on here?
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