Thank you all

Awesome Apollo

New Member
So I went to the Expo thinking of finding a bearded dragon. My eyes were riveted by this beautiful creature a woman was holding. When I went to tell this beautiful creature that he was stunning he stretched very hard to climb on my arm, up my shoulder and right to the top of my head. He stayed with me for 3 hours while we got to know each other. He was not at all shy or stressed and really seemed to enjoy being with me. No matter how close anyone else got, he never tried to climb on them and even clung to me if someone else tried to pick him up. I was hooked.
Normally before I bring a new family member home I spend hours researching
and setting up the correct habitat. Ha!

So this is where I want to thank all of you for allowing my hours and hours of lurking, for having such a wonderful, informative site that I was able to provide Apollo a happy place to live.

And to finally join in. Hi everybody from Apollo and Kathie;)
Awesome, congrats and welcome! What did you come home with?? We have one rule and one rule only around here: PICS OR IT NEVER HAPPENED! :D
LOL, I was able to get him into my avatar but haven't figured out how post pics yet. He's a blue bar ambilobe, about a year old and he's freaking awesome. Thanks for the welcome:)
Welcome Kathie, congrats on getting that boy and from the avatar he looks gorgeous....wishing many years for you and him together.
He looks great in the avatar, but I need a magnifying glass to confirm! ;)

Yup, so I have his pics on my desk top and couldn't paste them to here.
I'm a technical putz. Where do I find info on how to insert pics to this thread.
(and you can laugh but until today a thread was what I used to sew with)
Congrats! Apollo looks awesome:D Make sure to pay close attention to each and every tiny detail of husbandry and I'm sure you'll make a great keeper! Again, CONGRATS!!!:D
Congrats! Apollo looks awesome:D Make sure to pay close attention to each and every tiny detail of husbandry and I'm sure you'll make a great keeper! Again, CONGRATS!!!:D

Thanks so much Vmag, I am giving him my best, he deserves to be spoiled.
He's such a cool, sweet creature.


apollos grandfather wc.jpg
This is Apollo's grandfather WC
apollos dad.jpg
This is Apollo's dad hatched here in USA

So my question is if Apollo is a blue bar, how come he has red bars?
Doesn't having red bars make him a redbar. (or maybe just a mixed up kid):p
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