Thank you Brad!


New Member
Just a short note to thank Brad for letting me know about John at Chameleon Paradise. I used the plans that he had for the 2' X 2' X 4' cage and got it built. I think it turned out pretty good myself. I also followed the example of a Brad and a few other members to set up my humidifier to mist the cage. Let me know how you think it turned out. I still need to add some branches at the top of the cage and eventually figure out a drip system so that I can give up some of the hand misting but I think things are on the right track.
I've also included pictures of my two Jackson's.


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Good job, Beth! Your cage is very pretty. The set up looks nice, and I am sure they will be happy in there. However, you need to consider seperating the two of them into two cages. Also, you might run into some problems with drainage. That towel that you have under the cage probably won't hold up to heavy misting for long.

I love the stain.. it is very pretty!

Heika said:
Good job, Beth! Your cage is very pretty. The set up looks nice, and I am sure they will be happy in there. However, you need to consider seperating the two of them into two cages. Also, you might run into some problems with drainage. That towel that you have under the cage probably won't hold up to heavy misting for long.

I love the stain.. it is very pretty!


I am going to separate them as soon as my brother get back from Africa Monday and I can use his power tools. I'm still working out the drainage issue. I know the towel isn't gonna cut it but it should protect the table for the weekend. I'm gonna build another one of the same cages for the second one. I still like this better right now then keeping it in the Reptarium that I bought when I bought them. So by next weekend the second cage will be done and hopefully drainage will be taken care of.
Great looking cage! All I did was provide a link. Are those purple flowers in the back fake?

I recommend starting a drip system asap, and use it concurrently with the manual misting. Unless you are using an automated misting system, both drip and hand misting should be used.
Those fake purple flowers are from Wal-Marts craft department. Unfortunately when I went to get some more they were gone. I'm gonna get the little dripper until I can figure out a good drip system. I hand mist quite a bit but I do wait until all the leaves are dry. The humidifier also causes alot of drips because of the mesh that I used in the cage. I will get everything worked out. I'll just keep reading these forums and eventually I'll be good to go. Brad, you may have only provided a link but I have learned alot of information from your posts on here.
I work at Petsmart (which is not something I'm overly proud of) but thanks to you and Chameleon Forum members I can say that the Chameleons we have recently started getting in at my store (this is where I bought mine) are being taken care of in the best possible way for the situation they are in. I can't do anything about their enclosures but I can make sure their temp and humidity stay right and that they get their misting. I can also give information to customers looking to buy them and advise them of this forum.
This has been useful to me in both my personal and professional situation so thank you...thank you...thank you.
That cage looks awesome. The only thing it seems to need is a dripper and I didn't see a flourescent light (for UVB although it may just be the picture). You can build a drippers from Walmart very cheap. These parts will all be under the product name "Orbit Drip Master"; 1/4"x 50' distribution tubing, 1/4" flag drippers, and 1/4" barbed tubing coupling. I am a chef so for the jug I just grabbed one form work. You could either find one at Walmart while you are there or get one at home. You will have to make the hole first. Take the container and a sharp knife. Keep twisting the knife until you slightly go through be carefull not to go through to much. Now take one of the tubing coupling and push it through the hole you may want to lubricate it if it is to much trouble. Cut the hose to the length needed and install the flag dripper down. The hole on the flag dripper will have to point straight down when mounted in the cage. It drips fast enough to catch the attention of your chameleons and supplies them with ample drinking water. Good luck with everything it seems like you are off to a great start.
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Thanks Jordan. It seems simple enough for even me to do. I will give it a try. Do you have a picture of yours so I can see how you have it hooked up?
I am going to try sunday or monday. Probaly monday I work 14 hour days on the weekends (resteraunts).
Hello Beth! I really like the the cage you built :) Can I get that link too? I am looking into building my own cage aswell :)
I have some pictures of the dripper I speak of in my gallery. I also put on a picture of a pretty cheap stand idea that works pretty good. It is a cheap garage shelve system with a laundry storage bin underneath (a towel also because some of it doesn't make it through the cage when I mist). I am going to try to get some pictures of my chameleons today. It took me forever to work this camera and picture program.
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Thanks Jordan. I think I can do that. The idea for the shelf looks like it works pretty good. I think I need to run out and do some shopping.:)
I got the drip system going and am happy to say that my male jackson's is just sitting on a stem and drinking up a storm. It makes a momma proud. Now all I have left is drainage. I went shopping at Lowe's and couldn't find a shelf like the one that you showed me Jordan. I am making a stand and will probably go with the washing machine pan and a bucket under it.
The lighting on top of the cage is a 100watt T-Rex Active UV Heat light and a Zoo Med Repti-Sun 5.0 Bulb. My chameleons seem to be doing good. They are eating fine and drinking well. I'll update you when I get the drainage done.:D


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