That's it Spike is grounded

Steve A

Chameleon Enthusiast
Look at this dude. He won't leave the darn mister nozzles alone! Now he has one of them positioned to just squirt water directly out of the enclosure :rolleyes:😭 At least I'll be home well before it's timed to turn on lol

This is the only issue I've had with these nozzles so far. I might consider using fishing line to hold each one up to kinda keep them in place. Not the biggest issue (but Spike kinda slips off these so I hate when he climbs them), but it's so annoying having to constantly re-adjust these.

He has learned how to get your attention! When all else fails, duct tape! Maybe he won’t slip off of them
He has learned how to get your attention! When all else fails, duct tape! Maybe he won’t slip off of them
Duct tape or any type of tape really should never be used in an enclosure. It is much too dangerous should the tape lift from the moisture and get attached to the chameleon. We have seen chams degloved in the forum from tape exposure.
He has learned how to get your attention! When all else fails, duct tape! Maybe he won’t slip off of them
I wouldn't think that would work considering the duct tape would have to be applied from the nozzles to just the screen so I think zip ties or fishing string is gonna work best for this. I also would hesitate to put duct tape in the enclosure, but thank you :)
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