The Ambanja - Genesis


thank you guys and gales ;)




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Aww man he is looking awesome :eek::D..... I love how the bars stop right at the top and allows for clean back spikes just like ranger:D

Hes finally back to eatting dubia! He wants them free ranged. Not from my hand, not in a cup, not left in his cage in a cup, not in a milk jug...So i have to sit and watch him eat each one. its an all day process. lol

Daaaaang he is flippen awesome man! Lees kickin himself now ;)

Thanks man..hopefully he has is boots off ;)

Dude is smoke'n!! Nice!! :)

Thank you.
Ha takes after his dad :D Ranger does the same thing with me with the dubias the rest he gets mad if I dont hold them for him lol.
Update 8.24.12

Its been a month or so. So, I got him out to check him over and took a pic of him. This is what he looks like majority of the time in the cage, every now and again ill get turret barring and bright colors but this is his relaxin suit.

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Man you can't wait so long next time to post pics of your boy. he is a mini ranger and is so awesome. I am very glad you chose to get him from us :). I am still on the look out for you on a female for him. I am going to the show this weekend and talking to a buddy that has a awesome red bar ambanja pair i will see if he has any babies to sell :).
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