The babies are one month old

Boy you and your hubby must be real busy !! Who built the bins ? looks like the work of a master builder !!:D
Probably her husband and herself. He makes really cool cages. Like he made that huge one of their patio and those UVB stand things. I wish i was that good at building.:p
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I just had to revisit and look at those pics again! The photos of them standing on their back legs just make me laugh! They must be so entertaining!:D Jann, you should get a video of them reaching up for you, lol! Do they all reach up at the same time? That would be so funny to see!:D
Thanks for all of your kind words and comments.

Danny, I may have to take you up on your offer, if I don't find homes for them quickly.

Jeff, My husband and I made the baby bins. The babies love the jungle gyms!

Yes, Tiff they are all friendly and reach out for me everytime they see me. They were 5 weeks old today and I weighted some of them. The smallest was 3 grams, the mediums 4 grams and the largest babies 5 grams. I have 16 boys and 11 girls. I can't get anything done except take care of my pets and watch these babies. :D:):D:)
Picture 10

Pointer finger chameleon


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Jann I realise this is an old thread but WOW! These were some gorgeous babies! And the photos are amazing! I love how they're dying to get out to see you for some love, tooooo cute! :)
Aww jann they are so cute and you got some great shots. I recently had my veileds start hatching. I have 18 out of 65 hatched out so far. I was trying to figure out how to set them up and I am going to use your idea. It looks so good and they are all in one place like that. How do you keep the fruit flies in the bin?? I have flightless fruit flies and I have been finding them everywhere. Another question. How many babies would you recommend putting in each bin. I have the same bins you have. Thanks for posting you beautiful pics. I always love seeing pictures of louies babies. He is so beautiful.
Thanks for the compliments guys. This made my day! I loved these little guys so much. I miss these little ones and still love them all. They are two years old now.

mcleodschams, I cut out the lids and put screen in the top and used the lids when feeding flies. I had about 5 babies to the bin and seperated them by size and how active they were. Right after these pictures the bigger babies when into screen cages....about three to a cage.
I saw this thread pop up and was wondering where in the world I had been that I had missed Jann's chams having babies again when I noticed the date :D There's no such thing as too many cute baby pics, though!
Wow These are such great pictures! I've never seen these pictures before and they do look like they are in a circus act:D. My little female is so sweet and she has such a great personality. Thanks for bringing this post back up
Thank you guys for the nice compliments on the babies and their pictures. These babies were so special and I still miss them two years later.

Wendy this is an old thread and these are Luie and Camille's babies. You didn't miss anything. :)

Lisa, I think that's Stanley standing and reaching the highest to come out. :)
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