Thanks again for all your help and the good advices from you!!, well today i changed the spotlight more up from the cage and changed från 5 UVB bulb and guess what.???.The humidity is just perfect now between 60 -70%.The only problem at the moment is that he don´t want to eat , yesterday he was eating 3 crickets in the hole day,i hope that he is eating something later, i was speaking with the petstore and they told me that is ok,he was feeding him with 5 crickets every two days, so i went to other petstore and they told me the same thing,that is normal after 6 months that they are eating not so much so they will feeding all the chameleons there every 2 days with like 5 or 6 crickets and they seems to be ok.Well guys take care and cya soon and thanks again...........