The Best Veggies For Vields?


New Member
i know that all chameleons are not the same and that some simply love insects and such live foods and hate veggies and fruits. But im wondering if there is a possible way to get them to like at least one kind of fruit and/or vegetble? That way if i am ever short in crickets i can have something else so they wont starve so much! One technique i just thought of was to get a bowl filled with thier favorite worms and putting a few fruits n veggies? any other ideas or comments?
i dont think thats going to work simply because they will just pick off the worms and leave the fruit... maybe let the chameleon go hungry a little and then provide the fruit, that way they are somewhat forced to eat it and its good for them.. from this point on they are familiar with it and wont hesitate to eat it again.

thats just me
your idea could work your cham my accidentally pick up a pc while shooting for food and like what he tastes. my guy loves all fruits and veggies i started with kiwi and just rubbed a little on his mouth and he either tasted or smelled it and is history from there. Kiwi is his absoult fav, i just give him a small sliver or 2 every other day or so. now he will eat almost any fruit or veggie i put in front of him.
good luck

your idea could work your cham my accidentally pick up a pc while shooting for food and like what he tastes. my guy loves all fruits and veggies i started with kiwi and just rubbed a little on his mouth and he either tasted or smelled it and is history from there. Kiwi is his absoult fav, i just give him a small sliver or 2 every other day or so. now he will eat almost any fruit or veggie i put in front of him.
good luck


i love that i dea of rubbing the fruit over his mouth! that got me thinking of maybe trying the same with mangos since hey r sweet n sticky!!! :D maybe with that and my idea i can probably get even my most stubborn cham to try anything! k thanx, ill be experimenting with different kinds to find out which kinds of fruit they like and make a list!
I'd say just keep trying diff things till he finds something he likes. My veiled I had many yrs ago wouldnt eat fruits or veggies. Some will, some wont, its kind of like cham personalities some are friendlier than others.
Wow ... I dont know why I never thought of feeding them fruit or veggies 0.0.... I mean duhhh they can eat plants and its fine... why not veggies and fruit? Does anyone know some that I Should NOt be feeding thm?
Okie dokie =D I would assume they cant have tomatoes either since.... u cant feed them wc hornworms for the fact that they eat tomatoes and the tomatoe leaves?
hey yea i noe that they all are different, thats why im trying to see about ways to kind of break that stubborness, i mean if chameleons can change thier color, im sure they can change thier heart too x]
lol ya Ima try and find out today if theyll eat some bananas or something.... thanx for posting the thread though I didnt even know they could eat fruits and veggies XD
I think the tomato itself is ok. Its something in the plant thats toxic to the chams. I dont feed tomatoes as I dont eat them myself too often and they are too slimy for me to put in the crick/roach bins.

Good options are: zuchini, carrots, apples, kiwi, strawberry melon, romaine, sweet potato, red grapes, etc...

If you feed too many fruits like melon or grapes then it can make the cham have a runny/loose stool. So basically feed those things sparingly as treats. But carrots or sweet potato can be given along with any of the romaine or greens daily.
The link in my signature has nutritional info to commonly available fruits and veggies to give you ideas of what to feed or not to feed. The chart is geared for iguanas but the concepts are the same. Aim for those higher in calcium than phosphorus and avoid oxalates and goitrogens. Dark leafy greens are the best staple and other things can be used as snacks to provide a balanced diet. This same info should be used for gut loading your crickets! Sandrachameleon's blog has excellent gut loading info too.
Well thats great =D I have an iguana shes about 1 1/2 to 2 years old now. Maybe it will amke it much easier XD I dont think ima feed them tomatoes either... I dont like them much as well lol
ferrits friut and veggie info is great i use it often, my guy loves kiwi, mango, cantalope, strwberries, grape, buternut squash, carrots, apples, and im sure theres more i forgot or have not tried. best of luck
My guy really likes strawberrys, cantelope, and watermelon. What I do is tie a twistie tie around a stick and then poke the fruit with the end of the twistie. He'll walk right up to them and bite them whole. Kinda cool actually, did it today!
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