The bubble stump is amazing!

Yes unless they suck on the airhose...If they were sto suck on the sirhose just as in the cartoons they may fill up with air adn then finally release and bow all teh air out and fly around the enclosure untill the indeed ran out of air and that would be a bad thing..... Sorry, Im a prankster at heart... They are safe they arent deep enough for them to drown in and as another member here has shown hias cham can swim anyways so that shouldnt be a problem... water is good air is good and the bubble stump is safe.... unless the above mention truley doesn happen and if so I apologize adn beg your forgiveness...
so standing water is safe as long as its fresh and you maintain the cleanliness of what ever device you are using?

That is not standing water... Standing water is just that; water that dont move none. Any and all water (with anything cham) needs to be fresh and clean, changed everyday, see a poo or dead bug in it; change it. I can see how this would work, however I have my drip system working like a champ add the water in in the morning and it will go allllllllllll day long. Next is to pipe in a mister to everything.
gotcha, so if the water is moving it won't gain bacteria ?sorry to keep
asking silly questions but, I don't wanna get my cham sick.
gotcha, so if the water is moving it won't gain bacteria ?sorry to keep
asking silly questions but, I don't wanna get my cham sick.
Everyone can sympathize with you there, I was hopin you werent mad at me earlier I was only funning with you... I would believe it to be perfectly safe... just as Chad said keep the water clean if it gets a DOODY in it bugs or whatever change the water and your good....

do you guys think one of these would be viable for adult brevs? or would they fall in and drown

I doubt they would drown the thing is only about an inch deep ....
Wel i can tell you since I have one that it is really not that deep or big to begin with, but if you decide to use it and are affraid you could get some non toxic aquarium stones and put those in there if you wanted to make sure.
gotcha, so if the water is moving it won't gain bacteria ?sorry to keep
asking silly questions but, I don't wanna get my cham sick.

No silly questions, just silly people... :D But really, the only bad/silly thing to is NOT to ask... Everybody started out knowing nothing about how to keep chameleons. The only way to learn is to ask and read. When you have problems with your chameleon which could have been prevented by asking us then you are silly or perhaps even a stronger word. I ask dumb questions all the time! :D
This may work for other chameleons but I have only ever heard of veileds actually drinking from them.
I want to have a problem with it....the water is too low in the doesn't mist on branches and's the same water all day ....
But, the fact is, if you kept something like this really clean (daily) and it does seem easy enough to clean...and if your chams are using it...I don't see a problem...*except* ...lizards love to poop in water (cham's like to aim from above.) So when you're gone to work, or school, or band camp, or wherever you go and your kids decide to poop in the stump then go have some drinks before you get home.....
Otherwise, like I said, seems okay. *But they're gonna poop in it:)

*guess I found my problem:rolleyes:
You know oddly enough they don't poop in this one. I had a regular water bowl before this and your right it's like they were aiming for it but for some reason for like two weeks they haven't. It's like they know they will drink from it :D. I know thats not the case maybe I've just been lucky but seriously there water has been spotless since the switch.
I want to have a problem with it....the water is too low in the doesn't mist on branches and's the same water all day ....
But, the fact is, if you kept something like this really clean (daily) and it does seem easy enough to clean...and if your chams are using it...I don't see a problem...*except* ...lizards love to poop in water (cham's like to aim from above.) So when you're gone to work, or school, or band camp, or wherever you go and your kids decide to poop in the stump then go have some drinks before you get home.....
Otherwise, like I said, seems okay. *But they're gonna poop in it:)

*guess I found my problem:rolleyes:

Hahaha I love it, that could be an issue.. hopefully not , keep that water clean and keep us informed, how much noise does it make bubbling?
You can actually hear it on that video that i posted in this thread. I sleep with it on just fine... then again i'd sleep through an atomic bomb.
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