The Cham behind the Avatar!


New Member
Well, I decided since I have some old photos of Monty when he was a bit younger (Not YoY or Juvenile, sub-adult), I'd post them, he's grown since I got him back in April.

Here's Monty at his first day of work, He was employed by ASEFH as a security guard, he was to be patrolling Ward 217, which is the ward housed by all the salamanders, particularly the ambystomids.


He made a few rounds, and when his boss came back to check on him, he was caught sleeping on the job, he was fired.


He's bee unemployed since.


I need to get more photos of him, the new cage needs to be heavily modified so it's easier for me to change plants around, etc. But anyway, have fun making fun of my horny lizard.

damn slacker... I have met many just like him! Sleeping on the job, pshhh just think of all the critters that are running amuck due to his slacking!
Unfortunately, breaching on Ward 11, which houses the iguanas and Ward 1 which houses treefrogs have all occured because of his slacking. :rolleyes:
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