The chameleon with no name, a journey of love and patience (VERY PIC HEAVY).

I have been trying to upload a video but youtube is not working for me. However, new development...

I have prototyped possibly the coolest auto dripper system EVER. It has completely replaced my "little dripper" unit. It does not use electricity, gravity feed, OR siphon action, is 100% reliable, and my current guess is that it will drip for at least five hours at a time. The drips are FULLY adjustable, and when it runs out of water, it does not damage the pump, because THERE IS NO PUMP! It also is not tied into the MistKing at all. It's freaking cool. Total cost of supplies? $24!!!!! I have a feeling it is going to catch on...

Any guesses how I did it?
Just curious as to how the Humidity issue is being worked. It's 80% humidity all the time bad, add that to several good missing session that bring it up to 90-100%, seems like a vey muggy and water logged mess. I have the same issues with my glass terrarium and am looking at other opinions on how to get around it.
I'm not having any humidity issues at all. It's always between 70-90% in there, with plenty of ventilation and excellent drainage due to the screen bottom and drainage tray from DragonStrand. The cham and the plants are LOVING it. It's all good in the hood over here.
I have been trying to upload a video but youtube is not working for me. However, new development...

I have prototyped possibly the coolest auto dripper system EVER. It has completely replaced my "little dripper" unit. It does not use electricity, gravity feed, OR siphon action, is 100% reliable, and my current guess is that it will drip for at least five hours at a time. The drips are FULLY adjustable, and when it runs out of water, it does not damage the pump, because THERE IS NO PUMP! It also is not tied into the MistKing at all. It's freaking cool. Total cost of supplies? $24!!!!! I have a feeling it is going to catch on...

Any guesses how I did it?
So, inquiring minds want to know!
I have been trying to upload a video but youtube is not working for me. However, new development...

I have prototyped possibly the coolest auto dripper system EVER. It has completely replaced my "little dripper" unit. It does not use electricity, gravity feed, OR siphon action, is 100% reliable, and my current guess is that it will drip for at least five hours at a time. The drips are FULLY adjustable, and when it runs out of water, it does not damage the pump, because THERE IS NO PUMP! It also is not tied into the MistKing at all. It's freaking cool. Total cost of supplies? $24!!!!! I have a feeling it is going to catch on...

Any guesses how I did it?

You have my mind pump, but not gravity fed either...and adjustable?!? o_O :confused: I'm picturing a bladder of water with holes poked into the tubing...but that is kind of gravity fed...or siphon-ish maybe, and not likely adjustable (I'll guess I'm way off the mark). If you can't do a vid, could you give a few photo hints?? ;)
Haha! Sorry!

Basically, I bought a one gallon pump sprayer (the garden type that builds up pressure), removed the handle and nozzle, adapted it to take 1/4" tubing, ran the tubing into a brass needle valve (for fine drip control), made an adapter to connect another length of 1/4" tubing, ran that tubing into a MistKing bulkhead, Attached the bulkhead to a MistKing corner wedge, and ran another 6" of tubing with a little brass nozzle inside the enclosure. It makes the inside dripper nozzle able to be positioned properly anywhere.

So basically, I pump the spray bottle like 15 times to build pressure, turn the valve on until it is a fast drip, and the friggin thing drips for HOURS reliably. No air bubbles, no batteries, no plug in, no leaks, no more filling a gravity feed dripper 7 feet in the air. It is ridiculously cool. I will further refine the system and probably use more MistKing parts in the future. I realize now how easy this was and I missed it until now. A LOT of MistKing parts would work to make one, and I am willing to help anyone who wants to try to make one.

I am at work for two days so I will post a video on Friday and walk through the entire cage setup.

P.S. just for laughs, I got the tubing and parts at fred meyer. They were pieces to fix a refrigerator ice maker.
Haha! Sorry!

Basically, I bought a one gallon pump sprayer (the garden type that builds up pressure), removed the handle and nozzle, adapted it to take 1/4" tubing, ran the tubing into a brass needle valve (for fine drip control), made an adapter to connect another length of 1/4" tubing, ran that tubing into a MistKing bulkhead, Attached the bulkhead to a MistKing corner wedge, and ran another 6" of tubing with a little brass nozzle inside the enclosure. It makes the inside dripper nozzle able to be positioned properly anywhere.

So basically, I pump the spray bottle like 15 times to build pressure, turn the valve on until it is a fast drip, and the friggin thing drips for HOURS reliably. No air bubbles, no batteries, no plug in, no leaks, no more filling a gravity feed dripper 7 feet in the air. It is ridiculously cool. I will further refine the system and probably use more MistKing parts in the future. I realize now how easy this was and I missed it until now. A LOT of MistKing parts would work to make one, and I am willing to help anyone who wants to try to make one.

I am at work for two days so I will post a video on Friday and walk through the entire cage setup.

P.S. just for laughs, I got the tubing and parts at fred meyer. They were pieces to fix a refrigerator ice maker.

I'd love to know how you did this (you kind of lost me at "adapted it to take 1/4' tubing" haha!!). Looking forward to your video, I'll be taking careful notes ;)
I've had no luck with uploading a video to my youtube, and have been really busy for the last couple of days. I promise a video tomorrow! I would do it now, but smaug is sleeping, and I really don't want to push my luck. He did end up biting me for the first time the other night when he was sleeping on a wall almost upside down, and I went to move him.
Well Medicman, thank you for your perseverance - your video is great, and your set up is awesome!! The plants are really filling in. Love the double pot tip, I'll definitely incorporate that! I have 9 bottles of great stuff ready & waiting in my garage!!

You mentioned you programmed your lights a certain way - I have the 36" version (per Todd's recommendation) also with the 12%. Can you give specifics of your lights timing, please? I moved Strider in a bit early (still waiting on substrate tray) and am a little worried about over-exposure for him, too. There will be lots of plants (you should see it already!!), but still concerns me, as he spends a lot of time in the full light of it.

And I really love your dripper system, it seems an effective & elegant solution. It is very awkward getting the Lil dripper set up way up top!! If you ever think you might be open to making and selling some, I'd sign up to buy one. Seriously. (Plus, I suspect it may be faster than trying to explain parts &/or assembly to me :confused: o_O)
Hey all, sorry to reassurrect an old dead thread, but I wanted to give an update. I ended up getting a fantastic and very wild job as a paramedic so I have been unable to log on here for quite a while.

The Chameleon has a name, it is Smaug, the terrible. We just call him Smaug the sweetie.

One year later, this chameleon has grown into the sweetest little soul. He climbs right into my hand, let’s us scoop him up whenever, and always wants out of his cage to be social. He is healthy, happy, and huge. Last measurement was 17 inches nose to tip of tail.

I will post pictures here soon. He is sleeping now.

Sorry again for disappearing for a whole year. My god it went by fast.
Hey guys, my dad hasn’t posted in a long time because he’s been REALLY busy with a new paramedic job, but I wanted to update!

I just turned FOUR YEARS OLD. I am a big HUGE and PROUD Sambava. I am healthy, happy, and VERY tame. I am now 18 inches long!

I LOVE being held and getting out of my cage to enjoy the sun or a shoulder. I am an escape artist and sit in waiting for someone to leave my cage open. I like to climb anything I can, and usually end up chilling on top of the wall mounted TV, which is right next to my house!

I also like to puff up at the dog and show him how big and bad I am. The dog is scared of me and barks when I puff up! Jokes on him though, I almost never bite! I may be tough, but I like chin rubs and showers and being a pampered, fat, and healthy chameleon!

P.s. I also REALLY like climbing on my mom’s head while she attempts to put on makeup (even though she doesn’t need to because she’s gorgeous already). I think I make the PERFECT hair accessory!


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