The Egg McMuffins are Hatching!!! FINALLY!


Avid Member
Well... after well over a year of attempting to breed my chams, I came home from work tonight at 2 am to find that one of the 8 eggs that made it from my clutch of McLovin' babies is hatching, hopefully they will be out by morning and I can get some batteries in the camera to take some pics. These eggs were layed Jan 15, so just under 8 months for incubation. This is my FIRST hatchling!!! I can't tell you how excited I am... Here are some pics of the parents ... And some neo pics are sure to come!!! You should see me... It is 3 in the morning and I just leaped in the air and clicked my heels I am so happy!

I thought the wait for them to hatch was bad... I don't know how I am going to sleep now, while this little one takes their sweet time to make it out. Still looks like just the front of the mouth poking out, but you can see it wiggling in their trying to make it out.


McLovin' the sire....RIP.




Muffin' the Momma...


rite on joe, let me know if you need me bring my camera over take pics. just haveta go treatment after takin tiff to school then ill hit ya up see whats happenin
Thanks all... Still Pipped, not really working it's way out yet.

I lost McLovin' and Sgt. Pepper... both my prize Panthers to a sudden spike in heat coupled with a misting system malfunction. Really was the worst day I have had since I've kept chameleons, 100% my fault as well. Still sucks thinking about it. Enough about that though... This is a happy thread... and thinking about that day kind of bums me out.
Oh it's cool slowfoot... I don't think I have mentioned it on the forums yet... He was known on the boards... He will be missed.
A BIG congrats, Joe! I didn't realize these were your first hatchlings. Don't worry too much, if those eggs had just pipped when you found them, it will probably be a bit longer before you're holding a baby. I still remember the feeling of excitement seeing my first chameleons hatch. It was a clutch of Nosy Be's and my mom and I actually watched the first one pull itself out of the egg and start looking around.

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