The Ontario Reptile Expo

Whom will be attending this weekends Ontario reptile expo? I expect to see all you Southern Ontario keepers there this Sunday. This means you Kinyonga, Cowchick, chamleeonontario, cham_man, and all you other silent readers and members I have missed.

Both myself and Brandy will be there as per normal. You can find me at booth A5 under the Canadian Chameleons banner, and you'll find everyones favorite, Brandy at her silkworm and feeder booth at C3 & C4 under the Canadian Silkworms banner.

Stop by and say hello, and be sure to bring a camera to posts photos in this thread afterwards.


Date: Sunday, September 16th, 2007
Doors Open at 9am to 4pm
Admission Adults $7.00
Children 7 yrs of age to 14 yrs of age and Seniors $4.00
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Is there anyway I can meet all you people? I've met Will, and happened to run into Chameleontario at a store (I swear he was stalking me :p...he picked stalking me on a bad day though that I was sick...haha)...I hear cham_man is booked but going to TRY to we'll keep nudging him. I'd like to meet Kinyonga and sure would like to meet all the others as well...I'm new and don't know anyone, and I am making my best friend come with me who's recently into beardies.

What's everyone after?

I'm looking to buy some silkies for Donkey, and purchase a new beau for Donkey due to the recent passing of Fiona. Also looking for a good deal on an enclosure for my ambilobe babies as well. Hmmm wonder what else...oh ya, can you buy, or even rent boyfriends for the day? Always on the lookout for one of them!:D hahaha
I`ll be attending this Sunday. I`ll be on the prowl for a nice misting system for my shed. I want to limit the number of times that I have to enter it this winter to once a day for feeding and to check up on everything. These winters can get brutal so I want to make sure they stay warm :D
I will be there. It is my first reptile expo. Is there anyone I should be on the lookout for? Not really going for anything in particular, just going to play it by ear.
I forgot to take a pic of my table lmao really pro eh lol. here is one from my last show

thats my brother he helps me at every show


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At least SOMONE had their camera and remembered to take photos. Derek and I both had one with us, but neither of us took any photos. Steph, please post up yours!
Ummm....Will you are going to shoot me...but I ended up leaving not long after I saw you and going to the hospital...I have pneumonia!:(
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