The Question Game


What would you say the best tip to a first time snake owner is?

Feed your snake in another setup so they never associate your hand with food! And make sure the food makes it in the setup before the snake so they dont try to snatch it from you.

If you could have any plastic surgery for free, what would it be and why?
I think his question is ... blank blank blank, blank blank?

Im a girl!!!:p

free plastic surgery....geesh.....Um.....butt implant!! haha My butt is so flat!! Ive tried lunges and they do nothing!!:rolleyes:

Whats are you going to name your next cham?:rolleyes:
Feed your snake in another setup so they never associate your hand with food! And make sure the food makes it in the setup before the snake so they dont try to snatch it from you.

If you could have any plastic surgery for free, what would it be and why?

Mmmm... I hate to do it but I would have to disagree with that feeding advice... especially for a first time keeper. It is a common mistake made, by people who think they are doing the right thing. It is very dangerous to move a snake after it has been fed. You risk regurge and injury to the insides of the snake. Days of digestion are needed in most cases. Not only that but if it is feeding day, the snake is most likely hungry and reaching in to pick them up and take them out isn't the best way to avoid getting bit. Introduce the prey correctly, by scenting the room the day of, then dropping a prey item at the opposite end of the enclosure and let the snake hunt it., You won't have to worry about getting struck when you reach in when it is not feeding day. I have fed my BP's and Boas in their cages like this for years and I have never been bit removing them from their cage on a non feeding day. Only time I was bit was by my first BP... and this was because I didn't know any better... and I was trying to move her back to her tank after eating, she did not like it. Sorry Betty... Hate to contradict your advice.

Okay now if I could have any plastic surgery done for free... I would have it done to Michael Jackson I would make his face look like this...

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Im a girl!!!:p

free plastic surgery....geesh.....Um.....butt implant!! haha My butt is so flat!! Ive tried lunges and they do nothing!!:rolleyes:

Whats are you going to name your next cham?:rolleyes:

Either Curley or Lambeau:cool:

If you get on a plane and go anywhere right now and only take one person, where would you go and who would you take?
Whoever the richest person alive is, and to a desert island with all of their money... mwahahahahahaha!

Just kidding.

What is your favorite thing in the whole world, and why?
I was dared to, but I couldn't. I'm scared of the biting and the stickiness!

We're no strangers to love?
Mmmm... I hate to do it but I would have to disagree with that feeding advice... especially for a first time keeper. It is a common mistake made, by people who think they are doing the right thing. It is very dangerous to move a snake after it has been fed. You risk regurge and injury to the insides of the snake. Days of digestion are needed in most cases. Not only that but if it is feeding day, the snake is most likely hungry and reaching in to pick them up and take them out isn't the best way to avoid getting bit. Introduce the prey correctly, by scenting the room the day of, then dropping a prey item at the opposite end of the enclosure and let the snake hunt it., You won't have to worry about getting struck when you reach in when it is not feeding day. I have fed my BP's and Boas in their cages like this for years and I have never been bit removing them from their cage on a non feeding day. Only time I was bit was by my first BP... and this was because I didn't know any better... and I was trying to move her back to her tank after eating, she did not like it. Sorry Betty... Hate to contradict your advice.

Okay now if I could have any plastic surgery done for free... I would have it done to Michael Jackson I would make his face look like this...


To each their own;) We have a cornsnake and this works for us and has been working . We of course, WAIT until 30 min after eating to put him back but this allows my daughter to handle her snake without fear that she will be mistaken for food.. The more poisonous/dangerous snakes, possibly..but this was just MY advice to a first time snake owner whom I would assume would start out small and not get an anaconda or something. LOL! :)
Re snake feeding, I never feed in a separate container either, excepting if I have two together for mating. Regurtitation is a risk and frankly I think the whole 'wont mistake you for food' thing is a myth thats been proven so again and again.
Snakes just arnt hungry everyday, think about it!

What would you say the best tip to a first time snake owner is?

Research before buying and dont buy a Venomous sp.

whats the silliest misconception about snakes you've heard?
Re snake feeding, I never feed in a separate container either, excepting if I have two together for mating. Regurtitation is a risk and frankly I think the whole 'wont mistake you for food' thing is a myth thats been proven so again and again.
Snakes just arnt hungry everyday, think about it!

Research before buying and dont buy a Venomous sp.

whats the silliest misconception about snakes you've heard?

Are you implying that my advice (which is just that, doesnt mean someone has to take it!) is a "silly misconception"? I think thats rather rude. It is my 8 years olds snake and I would rather be safe than sorry in having her feed in a separate container since she handles him daily. He knows that in that container, its feeding time and in his tank, its not. Simple and makes her feel safe. Like I said to each their own, but thats doesnt it silly or wrong that we do it this way. The snake is healthy and has been fed this way since its been able to eat mice. Thanks.
Erm okay new question?

2,000$, or a 2,000$ chameleon? ;)

$2000 cash.. You can buy a chameleon and have lots left over.. well, depending on the chameleon and provided you already have a setup.:)

Question: What is the worst quality that someone can possess? Can I answer my own question? DISRESPECT. I dont care if you lie as long as you do it respectfully and for the right reasons.. but to be rude and talk down to someone who clearly doesnt deserve it is just repulsive. (disclaimer, not directed towards anyone.. reread the part about lying. LOL)

Now your turn.:)
What's the worst quality someone can posess?

I'm gonna break the line here first to prevent an argument on this thread, this is supposed to be FUN!

My answer: The worst quality a person can posess is to be anything they are not. (This includes superficial stuff too)

My Question: *This is a trick question* Batman and Superman are in a fight, and Batman forgot to bring kryponite, who wins?

*Hint: if you've watched Brave and the Bold you'll know where this is from*
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