the story of the 3yr old and the 1k cricket bucket


New Member
So, my son whose 3 yrs old, decided that mommy and daddy needed something else to do today. So, he decided that the CRICKETS needed to be in on the fun. My hubby and I were cleaning house, getting ready for our Easter BBQ on Sunday. Forgot to close the chameleon room and my husband found our son inbl there. My husband told me that our son had the dusting cup and trying to put crickets in it it turns out that we have about 100+ crickets running around in the house ATM... *sigh*:eek:
OMG just found a cricket in the shower with me:eek: had a empty egg shell, threw him in there and yelled at my hubby to get him:(
Ive had that happen, the shower, several times, on the bed, im my laundry, in my kitchen sink.....
I have the rubbermaid bins that "lock".. Oh man!! If my roach bin ever fell over . I'd die!!
Put out a shallow dish of water with a heat source over it in about two or three different locations in your home. Allow this to sit out for a while in the dark. Throw on the lights and get busy chasing the crickets and catching them. They will be attracted to the heat and water.
My wonderful cat found most of them and pointed them out as she tried playing with them. Some are in the closest under the boxes, cant get to them without killing them.
You need to get some house chameleons to find them for you! lol. Good luck, they are crazy to try find. Hey, you should volunteer to look after your friends kids, them invent a game called hunt the cricket, keep them entertained for hours and free labour. ;):D
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