The Waiting Game


New Member
For the last hour and a half i have watch my first breeding pair of Veiled Chameleons ~ Steve-o n Twinks ~ make love.

When would be the perfect time to put her egg laying chamber in? ive heard it takes 10 - 20 days before she will lay is this true? Also shall i put her somewhere quiet?

Im so excited i sound like a big kid but were not through the woods yet got the incubating to do when she lays.

I would like to thank everyone for their help via posts & PM :)
Cheers Stu

Now ive got to wait and hope for the best!
while each lady will lay when she is good and ready, it is best to put in the laying bin right now so she can get used to it.

(IMHO it is best to keep all females with a laying bin in it regardless if they have mated due to the fact that they can and will lay eggs...fertal or not.)

Make sure that once she starts digging you don't let her see you watching her or she will likely abandon the hole. Also, give her as much privacy and peace as possible during this time.

As was suggested, set up a place for her to dig in the cage now. Depending on when they are mated during their cycle eggs can be laid earlier than the normal 30 days it takes from mating to egglaying.
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