The Walking Dead!


New Member
Is anyone else as excited as I am about the season 3 premiere tonight?! I luuuuurve that show...and zombies. I just ordered my Halloween costume from Nimba Creations. I'm going to be a freshly bitten zombie. I can't wait! This is what I ordered today. I'm 30 years old and I still get as excited about Halloween as I did at 5. LOL!
OMG, I hope you mean it's Sunday night - not always sure with the different time zones on here. I'm even willing to turn off my beloved Texans to watch the Walking Dead. My hubby got me turned onto it last year, and there have been many fights regarding our zombie apocalypse plan! :D
I am so exciting for Halloween this year because my wife and I now have a daughter so I get to go trick or treating again! gosh its been years!
OMG, I hope you mean it's Sunday night - not always sure with the different time zones on here. I'm even willing to turn off my beloved Texans to watch the Walking Dead. My hubby got me turned onto it last year, and there have been many fights regarding our zombie apocalypse plan! :D

What?!? You don't turn off the Texans for nuttin!! ;)
Oh yeah! I'm currently watching the marathon on TV because I missed a couple of episodes. Its going down!!!!
What?!? You don't turn off the Texans for nuttin!! ;)

True, but there are 3 of us in the house, and 1 TV. I'm the only girl, and the only Texan fan, so you can guess that I'm going to lose out. Roommate has confiscated the TV currently but if I have to knock the crap out of him I'm grabbing the remote at 9. Besides, I've found the Texans do better when I'm NOT watching :D
Well Uverse is helping me out, it seems like I could record more than one channel. Dexter and walking dead at the same time. Good for DVR.
OMG, I hope you mean it's Sunday night - not always sure with the different time zones on here. I'm even willing to turn off my beloved Texans to watch the Walking Dead. My hubby got me turned onto it last year, and there have been many fights regarding our zombie apocalypse plan! :D

I this game keeps going like this, I'll be turning the channel... :rolleyes: :mad:
I this game keeps going like this, I'll be turning the channel... :rolleyes: :mad:

Max, I swear that I stopped watching at the 3rd quarter to help them make a comeback. Looks like that didn't happen, but at least I got to watch Walking Dead which was awesome! Fingers crossed that next week the Texans make it 6-1! :D
I only have netflix so I have to wait to watch it *Crys* On the other hand we have been watching other Zombie movies. We watched Fido, it was pretty silly. I would definately have zombie pets.
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