Theodore the Bulldog


New Member
As fellow member David pointed out, I do not think I have posted many (if any) photos of my English Bulldog! This is Theodore Churchill, aka Teddy. He is my 2 year old rescue bulldog, and is spoiled rotten and loved dearly!


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He's lovely I'm not allowed have any cool dogs like that because we have a 3 year old.maybe when she's bigger.til then I'm stuck with the girlfriends shiatzu( don't know if that's spelled right) and I have a race gray hound that I keep at my parents house
He is awesome, so great with people and other pets! Very laid-back and lazy, this breed of dog is the perfect example of a couch-potato!
Good doggie!..he's a proper little beast, so adorable :)....and he's called Churchill! :cool:

Now I have to mention that my Scottish grandpa was in the Navy during WWII - he used to be a trawlerman.
He was Captain, and his ship was a fishing vessel with armour and guns bolted on. He had more guns than a standard Destroyer.
Winston Churchill once inspected some of his unit (not his ship though).
Churchill was asked what he thought of them.........

He said 'They look like a bunch of bloody pirates - but I like 'em!' ;)

So that's why my Grandfathers unit were known as "Churchill's Pirates" :cool:

If you'd like to know about the heroism on my mothers side of the family....ask me about my German grandma converting to Judaism shortly after Hitler came to power....and helping to smuggle people out under the eyes of the Gestapo and the SS........

In the meantime though, here's David Bowie with 'Diamond Dogs' -
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Thank you everyone!! And 10.5 years old, WOW! That is an incredible age for an English Bulldog! Rescued him back in October, and he sure is something hilarious to come home to :)

David, love the history bit! I LOVE history, especially WWII since my grandpa was stationed on a battleship, I need to see if I can find the papers that told about his ship. I used to remember the name of it, but it has been so long since I looked at it!

Anywho, Teddy's papers were not yet solidified when we got him, so I made his name Theodore (after Theodore Roosevelt) and Churchill (after Winston Churchill). Thought I would throw a little history into this guy!
How did you manage to find such a perfect bulldog as a rescue? All the rescues I see look like pittbulls, or just the products of bad breeding....long legs, long snouts..... Yours looks great. Does he have any health issues? Ours has terrible food allergies, but other than that, we have been really blessed. I know the breed is generally a health nightmare;)
We kind of got lucky finding him, basically his owner just didn't want the responsibility of taking care of him anymore. He got him from a pet store, and I did some research and it was definitely an Amish Puppy-mill that he came from. Supposedly the father has had no poor health records, but there was no information known about the mother, which scares me. Teddy has had a "cherry-eye" surgery since we have had him, but other than that no bigger problems than sensitive skin and poorly cleaned wrinkles. He was terrified of belts when we got him, and would grovel on the floor or sprint under furniture when we had anything resembling a belt in our hands. However, he came completely human, dog, and cat friendly. Also potty trained and crate trained! We were very lucky to get him when we did, and he will be 2 years old in May. Hopefully we will have many many years with him!
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