they just keep on commin(burned styrofoam)


New Member
i cant seem to stop finding problems with this new chameleon. i now discovered that i was keeping the lamp to close to the exo-terra styrofoam background, and it literally burred it, almost looks like it melted some of it away. could that have released some toxic fumes into the tank? do i need to worry?
I would air that tank out. Also wash down all the plants, vines and stuff. I remember I inhaled some foam fumes when I was working on a project. It made me throw up and become dizzy.
Also let your cham get some fresh air for a while. When I inhaled it, it really messed me up for the whole day.
IN all honesty i deal with alot of fires.

hears the deal

styrene, and styrofoam, toss it , its gonna retain alot of odor from being "melted and burned, fumes and smoke permiate heavly into porous material like that.

its best if you pull that foam backing, replace it with corkwood backing.
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