New Member
hey everybody i have prolly a dumb question to you veteran cham owners out there. i knew i would prolly run into this problem, so i thought i would ask your opinions on the topic.
i just purchased Silverdusk's ambanja pair and he sent me a dubia colony (first time i have ever seen these little creatures) to go with them. i have had veileds in the past so i was used to the more "hardy" chameleons that veileds tend to be viewed as so... i have never made a homemade gutload.
i puree'd tomatoes, carrots, turnips, apples, grapes, bananas, pares, squash, and strawberries. now what can i do to thicken this puree to a kind of paste. i thought of flour, but thats all i can think of at the moment. ANY IDEAS??!!
i just purchased Silverdusk's ambanja pair and he sent me a dubia colony (first time i have ever seen these little creatures) to go with them. i have had veileds in the past so i was used to the more "hardy" chameleons that veileds tend to be viewed as so... i have never made a homemade gutload.
i puree'd tomatoes, carrots, turnips, apples, grapes, bananas, pares, squash, and strawberries. now what can i do to thicken this puree to a kind of paste. i thought of flour, but thats all i can think of at the moment. ANY IDEAS??!!