New Member
How is Isis??
Thanks for asking Squeekz, Isis had a vet appointment Monday and the vet was pleased to see that Isis looked much better. An X-ray showed some bloat but not as much as last time. Her eyes were still slightly sunk in but he pinched her skin and determined that she is actually very well hydrated. Her lungs show a touch of pneumonia but he is not worried that it will be a problem. She had a slight shadow on her lungs after an x-ray in November as well, which was residual effects from her pneumonia in August. She hadn't eaten before Monday but Julia has since updated me that Isis has eaten two crickets AND had a poop with nice white urates. Overall he was happy and said she is doing very well! Also, yesterday Julia said Isis woke up very green and happy but looked a bit cranky after her misting! Overall I am extremely happy with her progress - she has been through SO much in the first year and has proved to be a strong little fighter!
Here is a picture from yesterday:

Okay, it's upside down but I'm updating from my iPhone and don't know how to fix it but you get the picture!