Things I've Found Out In 4 Months Owning My Veiled Chameleons:]


New Member
***Random Veiled Info, Living in Southern California, High Deserts***
So I got my veiled chameleons a little over 4 months ago, they were about 2 months old, though the girl looked a little older than the boy.
Throughout these four months I have learned quite a bit.
Like one if you want you chameleon to be happy please expect to spend quite a bit of money, especially if you plan to own TWO of them. Me, I have 2, I bought them at the same time, yes they broke me.
I highly suggest you do your research on quite a bit that you'll need to know as far as care goes and everything you need to know about the environment set they need to keep them stress-free and a price amount you come up with for all that before purchasing a Chameleon.
Its very nice to have sites like these also and just reading threads people post and their experience with their Chameleons.
I did not expect to spend as much as I did, but I definitely would not trade them in for anything.
And they are a constant care, like a baby. I normally go out camping about a few times a year but after getting them it becomes hard to do. You have to find someone who can watch them for you and take care of them correct.
As for me, the only person willing to help me take care of them was my friends mom and their neighbors 11yr old son. So I invested in timers and Big Drippers. They help a lot because you have to keep them on a good schedule, otherwise they will stress out. I also got a fogger to keep the humidity at a decent level for them because at first I was using a spray bottle, but with the aluminum screen cages I have for them the spray bottle just wasn't keeping it humid in the cages, the water dried up so fast.

This is Bonnie​
I have the same problem with the babysits... I used to go out for some days during weekends every now and then, but since I have my chameleons, I have to find a babysit to take care of them. The moment I decide to stay away for more than 1 night, I need to find someone to come over to my place and spray them water as I don't have an automatic spray system (too expensive), and feed them. Because of this the last one, it's sometimes difficult to find someone, because some of my friends really aren't keen on those crickets... If I can't find a babysit, I can't go out...
I have the same problem with the babysits... I used to go out for some days during weekends every now and then, but since I have my chameleons, I have to find a babysit to take care of them. The moment I decide to stay away for more than 1 night, I need to find someone to come over to my place and spray them water as I don't have an automatic spray system (too expensive), and feed them. Because of this the last one, it's sometimes difficult to find someone, because some of my friends really aren't keen on those crickets... If I can't find a babysit, I can't go out...

I bought a exo terra mini fogger on amazon, I turn it on twice a day for a hour each time. And timers. Its amazing what you can get on there for half the price of a actual store :)
I have a large cricket keeper, its nice because I'm not to fond of crickets either haha. Ill post a picture of my cricket feeding process.

So this is my large cricket keeper.

Its very nice because the crickets go in the tubes.

And then I just grab a black tube, shake some crickets from tube into this vase(they cant jump out of the one I use unless you get that one with some HOP).
Pour a little bit of Calcium in with them, give them a little spin so they all get covered and drop them in their cages. Sometimes I hold the vase up to my chameleons and they come down to the vase and eat a couple out of it before they get tired of you being in their space lol.


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***Random Veiled Info, Living in Southern California, High Deserts***
So I got my veiled chameleons a little over 4 months ago, they were about 2 months old, though the girl looked a little older than the boy.
Throughout these four months I have learned quite a bit.
Like one if you want you chameleon to be happy please expect to spend quite a bit of money, especially if you plan to own TWO of them. Me, I have 2, I bought them at the same time, yes they broke me.
I highly suggest you do your research on quite a bit that you'll need to know as far as care goes and everything you need to know about the environment set they need to keep them stress-free and a price amount you come up with for all that before purchasing a Chameleon.
Its very nice to have sites like these also and just reading threads people post and their experience with their Chameleons.
I did not expect to spend as much as I did, but I definitely would not trade them in for anything.
And they are a constant care, like a baby. I normally go out camping about a few times a year but after getting them it becomes hard to do. You have to find someone who can watch them for you and take care of them correct.
As for me, the only person willing to help me take care of them was my friends mom and their neighbors 11yr old son. So I invested in timers and Big Drippers. They help a lot because you have to keep them on a good schedule, otherwise they will stress out. I also got a fogger to keep the humidity at a decent level for them because at first I was using a spray bottle, but with the aluminum screen cages I have for them the spray bottle just wasn't keeping it humid in the cages, the water dried up so fast.

This is Bonnie

***Random Veiled Info, Living in Southern California, High Deserts***

Note: I tried to give this thread a little order, but stuff comes and goes.

Also I will put a link after this to my other thread, in case anyone wants to read up on

it/replies or what not.

So I got my veiled chameleons a little over 4 months ago, they were about 2 months old, though the girl looked a little older than the boy.

Throughout these four months I have learned quite a bit.

Like one if you want you chameleon to be happy please expect to spend quite a bit of money, especially if you plan to own TWO of them. Me, I have 2, I bought them at the same time, and yes they broke me.

I highly suggest you do your research on quite a bit that you'll need to know as far as care goes and everything you need to know about the environment set up they need to keep them stress-free and a price amount you come up with for all that before purchasing a Chameleon.

I did not expect to spend as much as I did, but I definitely would not trade them in for anything.

It’s very nice to have sites like these also and just reading threads people post and their experience with their Chameleons and any info they can give you. They stress easy, and if you have 2 of them you cannot keep them in the same cage like the store owner has them for display. They do not like each other, unless it’s time to mate, even than when they are finished they want their space. I have Two 48”x24”x24” ReptiBreeze aluminum screen cages for them, separated from one another. I will post pictures of my cage set ups later on a reply in this thread. If you care to see how they are set up please come back and check it out.

And they are a constant care, like a baby. I normally go out camping about a few times a year but after getting them it becomes hard to do. You have to find someone who can watch them for you and take care of them correct.

As for me, the only person willing to help me take care of them was my friends’ mom and their neighbors’ 11yr old son. So I invested in timers and Big Drippers. They help a lot because you have to keep them on a good schedule, otherwise they will stress out. I also got an Exo Terra Mini Fogger to keep the humidity at a decent level for them because at first I was using a spray bottle but with the aluminum screen cages I have for them the spray bottle just wasn't working. It made mess all behind my cages, which I’d have to move the cage to clean the water mess on the wall and wood my cages are on, and it just didn’t keep it humid in the cages, the water dried up so fast.

A little advice in case anyone gets the Exo Terra Mini Fogger or any fogger maybe(?) this is the first one I’ve owned, get an old tuple ware dish about 5-6” deep, as so wide, poke about dime sized holes along the top edge about 4 holes on the closest sides >”V”< of the dish(still letting the lid be able to close) make a hole in the lid just big enough to fit the cord through. Place the fogger in the dish of water, I use semi hot water so the fog comes out warmish, put the lid on the dish, place it where you please as long as it’s at least 325ths of the way up the cage or on top, plug it in and there you go. If you want extra fog flow, prop up the corner of the lid on the side you made the holes in the dish a little bit and that should do it.

Chameleons do not like being in water, or falling in the drip bowl at the bottom of the cage, a least mine don't. So I have plants coming out of the bowl so they can crawl down to the water at the bottom if they please.

Also in my experience, water dripping down a plant makes a huge mess, even if you have a straight leafed hanging vine. Your Chameleon Will crawl on that plant cause drips to go everywhere, another big mess. I just let it hit a little piece of the plant coming out of the bowl at the bottom of their cages so it’s not splashing everywhere.

Water should to drip about 2 drops a second, I mix in 10mL of AquaSafe in my Gallon dripper.

Their claws are like little pin pricks when they are babies, but at about 6 months old they are a lot stronger and go into your hand/arm deeper. Kids do not really like them crawling on their skin, my Chameleons like towards your face and to the top of your head.

Chameleons need to be taken in for a check-up at least every 4 months. Note: They do not like the vet looking at them.

If you have a female and she starts to act strange, crawling all over her cage, trying to get out, etc.

Look up her behavior and see if you can find any info on it. She could be trying to produce eggs. Note: Some Chameleons can produce eggs without a male, but these eggs are empty.

If she is gravid, she needs a BIG laying bin, I just recently found this out on my other thread, add plants and vines so she can hide herself, and filled till about maybe a little over half way and maybe a 11/2 -2ft of dampened sand so she can tunnel without it collapsing for her nesting area(don't soak it though).

Also make random little perches from smaller vines that they can perch up on and spots to hide in the plants. My Chameleons love them.

Don’t have the middle of the cage empty but also don’t have it cramped with stuff. My male has a vine going across and one plant hanging down the middle of his cage about half way up, he loves it. My girl on the other hand has the same set up but with 2 plant right next to each other to create a bushy plant and she rarely goes on it, only to catch her crickets.

I also recently found out that when a female hits about 6 months old you should cut back feeding to about 6 large(equivalent to that in other sizes) every OTHER day.

I haven’t yet found out about if I should cut back on feeding my male. I’m hoping this thread will get read this many replies down so anyone can tell me about him and how he’s looking.

And if you don’t like messing with crickets I have an easy way to handle that.

In post #3 I posted my steps to How I Feed My Chameleons in a reply to aeolis23.

If anything else comes to mind and I think it might be of use to anyone I will post it on this thread.

Now for pictures of my 2 babies.

**My Female Bonnie Is Up First**

Oct. 8th 2015.
This is Bonnie when I first got her. About the size of my index.
So Tiny. With a hint of light burgundy along her head.

Oct. 9th 2015. Outside in the grape Vines. Beautiful Light Green, Yellow, and White spikes. Little tiny casque.

Oct. 21st 2015. Hanging out outside, getting sun.
She has a little bit of a dark green shade to her and more yellow showing and a very light shaded dark grayish tan color(if that makes sense).

Nov. 9th 2015. This day we took her to see an exotic animal vet for a wellness check-up.
She weighed in at 30grams. Such a big girl now.
As you can see she is much bigger with a beautifully curled up tail. She's relaxed.
You can see she's a darker shade of green with lines of light green and her yellow is now changing to orange with the grayish tan shade still. Vet said she was the epitome of health. Her casque is bigger and wider.

Dec. 25th 2015. You can see she is way bigger than the above picture.
She is sitting in her basking area, snugged up to her vine. She looks a little rounder.
She’s calm, she is light green with her yellow showing and you can kind of see the grayish tan shaded lines.
This is about the time she started to act strange, wondering all over the sides and bottom of her cage trying to get out, it seemed. I read up on some info saying that could be a sign of her becoming gravid(wanting to produce and lay eggs)

Jan. 14th 2015. Her color consist of a darker green along with hints of burgundy, a little white and her yellow keeps wondering back and forth along this small stretch of vine she’s on.

Now these next 2 picture are taken the same day as above only 20mins apart. Except now she is wondering the bottom of her cage.

I opened the bottom while she was on the door, which made her mad.
As she shows in her vivid color patterns are bright/dark colors.

I “had” to let her crawl on my arm because her tail was in the way of me closing the door.
She got onto my arm hissed at me about 5 times and showed a lot more burgundy across her bottom half along with light greens and yellows and I put her back.

I hope you enjoyed viewing Bonnies 4 months with me.

Clyde is later, in a reply to this one because I’m very tired and he has a story. Lol.


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Do you have a laying bin set up? I've found with my females, restless behavior indicates either their being receptive to breeding or they are getting ready to lay their eggs. I'm no veiled expert, but she looks like she has eggs. If she is getting ready to lay eggs and doesn't have a place to lay that she is happy with, you could have a lot of trouble that can be quite expensive and/or life threatening for her.
Do you have a laying bin set up? I've found with my females, restless behavior indicates either their being receptive to breeding or they are getting ready to lay their eggs. I'm no veiled expert, but she looks like she has eggs. If she is getting ready to lay eggs and doesn't have a place to lay that she is happy with, you could have a lot of trouble that can be quite expensive and/or life threatening for her.

Yes I made her a 5 gallon laying bin but she doesn't like it. On my other thread I also got told she' ready to lay eggs and that she also needs a bigger bin and complete privacy. So I'm going to make a bigger one and set it up. I'll take some pictures of my bin set up when I get it done.

This is what I had in her cage as a laying bin. But she does not like it and wont go in it.


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Yes I made her a 5 gallon laying bin but she doesn't like it. On my other thread I also got told she' ready to lay eggs and that she also needs a bigger bin and complete privacy. So I'm going to make a bigger one and set it up. I'll take some pictures of my bin set up when I get it done.

This is what I had in her cage as a laying bin. But she does not like it and wont go in it.
She won't go in it until she is ready to lay eggs.

I don't know what others have found, but my laying bins are the whole floor of the cage so when she goes to the bottom, she can dig. In your cage, if she goes to the bottom (but not in the laying bin) there is no place to dig and she'll have to figure out that she has to climb up and into a tall bin. I don't know if they always will. I have thought of making a sub floor so the bottom can be easy to clean plastic but she can just walk over to an opening in the floor, and it is all dirt. I never have done it, though.
She won't go in it until she is ready to lay eggs.

I don't know what others have found, but my laying bins are the whole floor of the cage so when she goes to the bottom, she can dig. In your cage, if she goes to the bottom (but not in the laying bin) there is no place to dig and she'll have to figure out that she has to climb up and into a tall bin. I don't know if they always will. I have thought of making a sub floor so the bottom can be easy to clean plastic but she can just walk over to an opening in the floor, and it is all dirt. I never have done it, though.

I just finished making her laying bin. I used a large trash bin. I took some pictures of her set up. and some more recent pictures of her belly area today and she looks like she has eggs in her.
I have her in her bin now and I'm going to give her a couple days of privacy, just checking the water and temperature.

This is Bonnie earlier today.

This is the nesting bin set up I made for her.



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**Jan. 14th 2016 is the year I meant, not 2015**

***Random Veiled Info, Living in Southern California, High Deserts***

Note: I tried to give this thread a little order, but stuff comes and goes.

Also I will put a link after this to my other thread, in case anyone wants to read up on

it/replies or what not.

So I got my veiled chameleons a little over 4 months ago, they were about 2 months old, though the girl looked a little older than the boy.

Throughout these four months I have learned quite a bit.

Like one if you want you chameleon to be happy please expect to spend quite a bit of money, especially if you plan to own TWO of them. Me, I have 2, I bought them at the same time, and yes they broke me.

I highly suggest you do your research on quite a bit that you'll need to know as far as care goes and everything you need to know about the environment set up they need to keep them stress-free and a price amount you come up with for all that before purchasing a Chameleon.

I did not expect to spend as much as I did, but I definitely would not trade them in for anything.

It’s very nice to have sites like these also and just reading threads people post and their experience with their Chameleons and any info they can give you. They stress easy, and if you have 2 of them you cannot keep them in the same cage like the store owner has them for display. They do not like each other, unless it’s time to mate, even than when they are finished they want their space. I have Two 48”x24”x24” ReptiBreeze aluminum screen cages for them, separated from one another. I will post pictures of my cage set ups later on a reply in this thread. If you care to see how they are set up please come back and check it out.

And they are a constant care, like a baby. I normally go out camping about a few times a year but after getting them it becomes hard to do. You have to find someone who can watch them for you and take care of them correct.

As for me, the only person willing to help me take care of them was my friends’ mom and their neighbors’ 11yr old son. So I invested in timers and Big Drippers. They help a lot because you have to keep them on a good schedule, otherwise they will stress out. I also got an Exo Terra Mini Fogger to keep the humidity at a decent level for them because at first I was using a spray bottle but with the aluminum screen cages I have for them the spray bottle just wasn't working. It made mess all behind my cages, which I’d have to move the cage to clean the water mess on the wall and wood my cages are on, and it just didn’t keep it humid in the cages, the water dried up so fast.

A little advice in case anyone gets the Exo Terra Mini Fogger or any fogger maybe(?) this is the first one I’ve owned, get an old tuple ware dish about 5-6” deep, as so wide, poke about dime sized holes along the top edge about 4 holes on the closest sides >”V”< of the dish(still letting the lid be able to close) make a hole in the lid just big enough to fit the cord through. Place the fogger in the dish of water, I use semi hot water so the fog comes out warmish, put the lid on the dish, place it where you please as long as it’s at least 325ths of the way up the cage or on top, plug it in and there you go. If you want extra fog flow, prop up the corner of the lid on the side you made the holes in the dish a little bit and that should do it.

Chameleons do not like being in water, or falling in the drip bowl at the bottom of the cage, a least mine don't. So I have plants coming out of the bowl so they can crawl down to the water at the bottom if they please.

Also in my experience, water dripping down a plant makes a huge mess, even if you have a straight leafed hanging vine. Your Chameleon Will crawl on that plant cause drips to go everywhere, another big mess. I just let it hit a little piece of the plant coming out of the bowl at the bottom of their cages so it’s not splashing everywhere.

Water should to drip about 2 drops a second, I mix in 10mL of AquaSafe in my Gallon dripper.

Their claws are like little pin pricks when they are babies, but at about 6 months old they are a lot stronger and go into your hand/arm deeper. Kids do not really like them crawling on their skin, my Chameleons like towards your face and to the top of your head.

Chameleons need to be taken in for a check-up at least every 4 months. Note: They do not like the vet looking at them.

If you have a female and she starts to act strange, crawling all over her cage, trying to get out, etc.

Look up her behavior and see if you can find any info on it. She could be trying to produce eggs. Note: Some Chameleons can produce eggs without a male, but these eggs are empty.

If she is gravid, she needs a BIG laying bin, I just recently found this out on my other thread, add plants and vines so she can hide herself, and filled till about maybe a little over half way and maybe a 11/2 -2ft of dampened sand so she can tunnel without it collapsing for her nesting area(don't soak it though).

Also make random little perches from smaller vines that they can perch up on and spots to hide in the plants. My Chameleons love them.

Don’t have the middle of the cage empty but also don’t have it cramped with stuff. My male has a vine going across and one plant hanging down the middle of his cage about half way up, he loves it. My girl on the other hand has the same set up but with 2 plant right next to each other to create a bushy plant and she rarely goes on it, only to catch her crickets.

I also recently found out that when a female hits about 6 months old you should cut back feeding to about 6 large(equivalent to that in other sizes) every OTHER day.

I haven’t yet found out about if I should cut back on feeding my male. I’m hoping this thread will get read this many replies down so anyone can tell me about him and how he’s looking.

And if you don’t like messing with crickets I have an easy way to handle that.

In post #3 I posted my steps to How I Feed My Chameleons in a reply to aeolis23.

If anything else comes to mind and I think it might be of use to anyone I will post it on this thread.

Now for pictures of my 2 babies.

**My Female Bonnie Is Up First**

Oct. 8th 2015.
This is Bonnie when I first got her. About the size of my index.
So Tiny. With a hint of light burgundy along her head.

Oct. 9th 2015. Outside in the grape Vines. Beautiful Light Green, Yellow, and White spikes. Little tiny casque.

Oct. 21st 2015. Hanging out outside, getting sun.
She has a little bit of a dark green shade to her and more yellow showing and a very light shaded dark grayish tan color(if that makes sense).

Nov. 9th 2015. This day we took her to see an exotic animal vet for a wellness check-up.
She weighed in at 30grams. Such a big girl now.
As you can see she is much bigger with a beautifully curled up tail. She's relaxed.
You can see she's a darker shade of green with lines of light green and her yellow is now changing to orange with the grayish tan shade still. Vet said she was the epitome of health. Her casque is bigger and wider.

Dec. 25th 2015. You can see she is way bigger than the above picture.
She is sitting in her basking area, snugged up to her vine. She looks a little rounder.
She’s calm, she is light green with her yellow showing and you can kind of see the grayish tan shaded lines.
This is about the time she started to act strange, wondering all over the sides and bottom of her cage trying to get out, it seemed. I read up on some info saying that could be a sign of her becoming gravid(wanting to produce and lay eggs)

Jan. 14th 2015. Her color consist of a darker green along with hints of burgundy, a little white and her yellow keeps wondering back and forth along this small stretch of vine she’s on.

Now these next 2 picture are taken the same day as above only 20mins apart. Except now she is wondering the bottom of her cage.

I opened the bottom while she was on the door, which made her mad.
As she shows in her vivid color patterns are bright/dark colors.

I “had” to let her crawl on my arm because her tail was in the way of me closing the door.
She got onto my arm hissed at me about 5 times and showed a lot more burgundy across her bottom half along with light greens and yellows and I put her back.

I hope you enjoyed viewing Bonnies 4 months with me.

Clyde is later, in a reply to this one because I’m very tired and he has a story. Lol.

Clyde has quite a bit of pictures and you can only post 10 a time so he might take up 2 spots.
***This Is My Male Clyde***

Oct. 8th 2015. This is Clyde the day I got him.
His casque is so small also, and his color consists of light green and white.
Absolutely adorable.

Oct. 9th 2015. We were just inside my room before.
As you can see he is TINY. Just about 2” not including his tail.
You can see a shade of darker green with light green strips and a white spots along his body including a white line behind his head instead of yellow like Bonnies has.

This is also Oct. 9th 2015. He started to get a little mad at me.
Which brings out his beautiful pattern, a pale-ish darkish green, black rings around black poka-dots, black strips along his head and casque and not as much white.

Oct. 16th 2015. I caught Clyde under his basking light and I couldn’t believe his color.
He was a darkish burgundy-purple, BUT I’ve looked all over the internet and I’ve never found a picture of a chameleon this color and I’ve read around and some people have said that they will turn brown under their basking light. He doesn’t look brown to me.
He is absolutely beautiful in this picture!

Oct. 21st 2015. We took Bonnie and Clyde outside to get some sun.
As you see he’s a darker green with a brighter white showing.
Soaking up the sun. He’s stretched out along my hand, he’s about 3” in this picture.
Not quite as big as Bonnie and his casque is smaller than hers.
This started to concern me a little bit.

Nov. 9th 2015. On this day we took Bonnie and Clyde to the Exotic Animal Vet for their wellness check. As you can he is So much smaller than Bonnie, his casque is still so small and he is skinnier than Bonnie by quite a bit and he was just finishing his first sheading.
Clyde weighed only 10grams, 20grams less than Bonnie.
I also took them in mainly to get Clyde looked at because I noticed a couple days before the vet visit he wasn’t able to defecate. I read around and some people said to soak their bottoms in warm water to try to help them relax and have a bowel movement, and also Cod Liver oil in a syringe, given to them orally would help with lubrication.
I tried the Cod Liver Oil and I tried the soaking the day before the Vet visit. I put him in a sink of warm water just high enough to get his stomach and bottom covered and he screamed at me, such a sad sounding little screech, this was the beginning of a rough relationship between him and me.
I asked if it was a problem, him being so small, and the Vet just called him the Runt of the pack.
I also talked to the Vet about Clyde not being able to poop and he told me that I could just not be noticing him go.
But thankfully the next day I saw him go and he had yellow urate come out first than his poop came.

Dec. 25th 2015. This picture is kind of blurry but he is upside down.
He slept that way all night. As you can see he has grown so much since the last picture.
His casque finally started growing. He is light green with black lines outlining a dark green, he still has his, but not as much poka-dots showing a.t.m.



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Clyde has quite a bit of pictures and you can only post 10 a time so he might take up 2 spots.
***This Is My Male Clyde***

Oct. 8th 2015. This is Clyde the day I got him.
His casque is so small also, and his color consists of light green and white.
Absolutely adorable.

Oct. 9th 2015. We were just inside my room before.
As you can see he is TINY. Just about 2” not including his tail.
You can see a shade of darker green with light green strips and a white spots along his body including a white line behind his head instead of yellow like Bonnies has.

This is also Oct. 9th 2015. He started to get a little mad at me.
Which brings out his beautiful pattern, a pale-ish darkish green, black rings around black poka-dots, black strips along his head and casque and not as much white.

Oct. 16th 2015. I caught Clyde under his basking light and I couldn’t believe his color.
He was a darkish burgundy-purple, BUT I’ve looked all over the internet and I’ve never found a picture of a chameleon this color and I’ve read around and some people have said that they will turn brown under their basking light. He doesn’t look brown to me.
He is absolutely beautiful in this picture!

Oct. 21st 2015. We took Bonnie and Clyde outside to get some sun.
As you see he’s a darker green with a brighter white showing.
Soaking up the sun. He’s stretched out along my hand, he’s about 3” in this picture.
Not quite as big as Bonnie and his casque is smaller than hers.
This started to concern me a little bit.

Nov. 9th 2015. On this day we took Bonnie and Clyde to the Exotic Animal Vet for their wellness check. As you can he is So much smaller than Bonnie, his casque is still so small and he is skinnier than Bonnie by quite a bit and he was just finishing his first sheading.
Clyde weighed only 10grams, 20grams less than Bonnie.
I also took them in mainly to get Clyde looked at because I noticed a couple days before the vet visit he wasn’t able to defecate. I read around and some people said to soak their bottoms in warm water to try to help them relax and have a bowel movement, and also Cod Liver oil in a syringe, given to them orally would help with lubrication.
I tried the Cod Liver Oil and I tried the soaking the day before the Vet visit. I put him in a sink of warm water just high enough to get his stomach and bottom covered and he screamed at me, such a sad sounding little screech, this was the beginning of a rough relationship between him and me.
I asked if it was a problem, him being so small, and the Vet just called him the Runt of the pack.
I also talked to the Vet about Clyde not being able to poop and he told me that I could just not be noticing him go.
But thankfully the next day I saw him go and he had yellow urate come out first than his poop came.

Dec. 25th 2015. This picture is kind of blurry but he is upside down.
He slept that way all night. As you can see he has grown so much since the last picture.
His casque finally started growing. He is light green with black lines outlining a dark green, he still has his, but not as much poka-dots showing a.t.m.


Jan. 14th 2016. I wanted to take some pictures of Clyde, but our relationship has not yet mended.
As you can see in the next 3 pictures, his color changes intensely because I am trying to get pictures of him and he does try to bit me all the time.
But he is absolutely beautiful.

Jan. 15th 2015. Today I just wanted to take a picture showing how big him and his casque has gotten since the Nov. 9th photo.

Clyde is doing much better now, he still doesn't like me and I believe it will take awhile for him to trust me again.

I hope everyone enjoyed my stories and pictures :)


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