thinking about getting a chameleon...

wow...well i just checked the forum to see if i had a reply...haha i didnt expect this I must admit:) At least ppl are passionate about chams:) As for the bearded dragon, my fiance and I have one of those(as well as a RES) Someone from another forum said i needed to keep them apart b/c the BD poo could kill the cham. It will be in another room so thats not a problem and I am very cautious when it comes to handling diff. pets and all that. This isnt the first time that i have been told not to get a panther first but a veiled. Im really wondering which would be better. I feel that I take the responsibility of caring for any pet very seriously. and anyone who doesn’t shouldn’t be aloud to even buy a pet. I always do a ton of research before buying an animal and have the set up taken care of well ahead of getting the pet and to make sure that everything is provided, including correct temps, humidity, food....and everything else. I will take anyone’s advise into consideration but really the end result will be what i feel is best. Thanks for the links and I hope you all have a wonderful day:)

wow...well i just checked the forum to see if i had a reply...haha i didnt expect this I must admit:) At least ppl are passionate about chams:) As for the bearded dragon, my fiance and I have one of those(as well as a RES) Someone from another forum said i needed to keep them apart b/c the BD poo could kill the cham. It will be in another room so thats not a problem and I am very cautious when it comes to handling diff. pets and all that. This isnt the first time that i have been told not to get a panther first but a veiled. Im really wondering which would be better. I feel that I take the responsibility of caring for any pet very seriously. and anyone who doesn’t shouldn’t be aloud to even buy a pet. I always do a ton of research before buying an animal and have the set up taken care of well ahead of getting the pet and to make sure that everything is provided, including correct temps, humidity, food....and everything else. I will take anyone’s advise into consideration but really the end result will be what i feel is best. Thanks for the links and I hope you all have a wonderful day:)


Based on your attitude, seems like you could get a Panther and do well with it. Just the fact that you even asked indicates so (to me).
My Jackson was worth every penny. He's not disposable to me though. I bought him to live and thrive with me. ...And plus, you would never HAVE to pay that much, cause Americans are spoiled with the Chameleon market. (It's true :p)
I tend to believe chameleons are overpriced everywhere, in the next 20 years i think the genetics and knowledge will spread....with more quality chams on the market, breeders will have no choice but to lower the prices of captive bred chams barring any crazy wildlife law
Among the three species mentioned in this thread, it is my opinion that veileds are the easiest species to start with. However, with the right mindset I think someone new to chameleons could be successful with a veiled, panther, or jacksons.

For links, try
Howdy Tiffany,

Study the species that interest you. Panthers, Veileds and Jackson's all have their +/-'s so pick the one that excits your imagination. There are things that can go wrong with any animal that will be completely out of your control so you might as well start with the one that you want so long as you are really ready to invest the time and money.
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