wow...well i just checked the forum to see if i had a reply...haha i didnt expect this I must admit
At least ppl are passionate about chams
As for the bearded dragon, my fiance and I have one of those(as well as a RES) Someone from another forum said i needed to keep them apart b/c the BD poo could kill the cham. It will be in another room so thats not a problem and I am very cautious when it comes to handling diff. pets and all that. This isnt the first time that i have been told not to get a panther first but a veiled. Im really wondering which would be better. I feel that I take the responsibility of caring for any pet very seriously. and anyone who doesn’t shouldn’t be aloud to even buy a pet. I always do a ton of research before buying an animal and have the set up taken care of well ahead of getting the pet and to make sure that everything is provided, including correct temps, humidity, food....and everything else. I will take anyone’s advise into consideration but really the end result will be what i feel is best. Thanks for the links and I hope you all have a wonderful day