This little girl just hiiss at me!

Miles Horn

New Member
She has been running from me since she is not used to me, 3 week under my care and try to bite me!!... I've seen some vids of very hostile female veileds is there anyway i can soften things with her?? I don't want her to hate me!!

my male hates me too
i think they just generally dislike being handled, it says it everywhere when you're looking into buying one, you buy one thinking "it's ok, mine will like me ^^" and then they dont :(
try hand feeding her so that she associates you with food,
food is good
they like food = they will eventually like you
mine still hisses at me anyway, but after being out for about 5 minutes he packs it in and wonders off looking a bit happier to be free
so i guess just get her used to you, practice hand feeding her, and get her out regularly so she is accustomed to being out - routine is good for chams, so if you can do it for the same amount of time on a routinely basis, and gradually change it/lengthen it etc, she may (or may not) start to tolerate you
Mine used to hiss at me and threaten bite me/puff up at me all the time... I have two crested geckos and a few weeks ago she noticed them in their cages (I assume...) and she went nuts! She was not happy about another animal being in "her room". Which is funny cuz' it was "their room" first.

Mine doesn't like being handled at all but she will eat out of my hand which is pretty awesome. :)
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