This site is awesome!!

So here are my little ones, I am the type of person who jumps right in head first so all of mine are still young! Also just as a heads up they are in Exo Terra glass enclosures, we tried screen ones but with our wood stove battling the brutal cold Maine winters we could not keep the humidity up at all even with shower curtains. I am deligent about sucking the water out of the bottoms and the doors stay open for part of the day for some fresh air:)They also get outdoor time in the Exo Terra's exploriuam and we have huge fake ficus trees for free roaming!
The 1st one is Barnaby he started my addiction, he was born on January 1st and is the sweetest guy ever!
The second is Bradley he was purchased from @Kboz1991 on here and is growing like a weed!
The third is Bradley he is from Petco and his colors are starting to really pop and is doing great!
The last one is Blaze we just got him on Tues. he is still in his not so happy colors but is also eating and pooping great he is from FL Chams!
They are all hitched up to monsoons rs 400's except for Blaze as he is so tiny I don't want him to suck up water. They all get hand misted too! They have a diet of Dubia's, crickets, BSF, blue bottle spikes and flies, superworms, butter worms, hornworms, red runner roaches and I just ordered silkworm eggs and an incubator to hatch them, and orange head roaches to breed as the Dubia are not really a big hit! They are not the greatest pictures as 2 are in shed and kind of cranky and the other 2 I try not to hold unless absolutely necessary as they are so small and scared still, sorry this is so long:D
Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone, I can't wait to learn and grow with my new loves and this great site(y) image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
The third is Baxter not Bradley(not that it really matters), not sure how to edit a post,:unsure:
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The third is Baxter not Bradley(not that it really matters), not sure how to edit a post, I tried to fix it and reposted, sorry:unsure:
Tools then edit . Theirs quite a few keepers that use glass very successfully .

HANDSOME babies you have :love: . Bradley looks like he's a monster , Maybe the pic !!.
Sorry Burnaby the veiled he looks huge .
Sorry Burnaby the veiled he looks huge .

He is a big guy, I am not really sure how big they are suppose to be at just barley 7 months?? He has always been a fantastic eater, he has just started to slow down eating a tad bit, I am thinking it is his age and shedding right now. Also I think I spoiled him to much and the little booger only wants hornworms now and does not want any Dubia or crickets, I have already had to start some tough love with him;)
He is a big guy, I am not really sure how big they are suppose to be at just barley 7 months?? He has always been a fantastic eater, he has just started to slow down eating a tad bit, I am thinking it is his age and shedding right now. Also I think I spoiled him to much and the little booger only wants hornworms now and does not want any Dubia or crickets, I have already had to start some tough love with him;)
Lol they do that with their worms . Our Septiceye just got over a hornworm strike . He really loves his crickets .
I guess if I could have prime rib every night I would chose that too haha! I feel bad like I am starving him but I know it is for the best, I hope he will stop his stubborn strike soon, it will make me worry a whole lot less! He has eaten a couple of crickets a couple days ago but not with the exuberance he once had, and the Dubia forget it, it is like they don't exist. His feces and urates still look great so I am not whole heartily to worried yet.
I guess if I could have prime rib every night I would chose that too haha! I feel bad like I am starving him but I know it is for the best, I hope he will stop his stubborn strike soon, it will make me worry a whole lot less! He has eaten a couple of crickets a couple days ago but not with the exuberance he once had, and the Dubia forget it, it is like they don't exist. His feces and urates still look great so I am not whole heartily to worried yet.
Our little girl won't eat Roaches . I think she finds them boring . She likes her food acting crazy lol :love:.
Barnaby does like supers a lot too, he is a worm guy! In general though I thought they were more of a once in a while thing? Also Baxter the panther from Petco likes them as he got mealworms there and since I don't like them or feed them I think supers remind him of those. Bradley the little Panther is still shy to hand feed and has never ate the small supers in his cup, I think he will once he grows into his big pants (y)
Barnaby does like supers a lot too, he is a worm guy! In general though I thought they were more of a once in a while thing? Also Baxter the panther from Petco likes them as he got mealworms there and since I don't like them or feed them I think supers remind him of those. Bradley the little Panther is still shy to hand feed and has never ate the small supers in his cup, I think he will once he grows into his big pants (y)
Super warms and silkworms you can use as a staple along with crickets ,roaches and BSF .
I wouldn't use superworms as a staple mainly for their addictive qualities. My panthers will deny food for days after having a couple supers. Its not that supers are absolutely terrible, but they have high fat and dont gutload all that well, so if your cham denies everything else, they're missing out a lot on good nutrition.
I wouldn't use superworms as a staple mainly for their addictive qualities. My panthers will deny food for days after having a couple supers. Its not that supers are absolutely terrible, but they have high fat and dont gutload all that well, so if your cham denies everything else, they're missing out a lot on good nutrition.
I don't have trouble got loading them at all . There not to bad on the fat content . Wax worms are hi . But I totally agree they love them .
Its not that they dont eat, but that their intestinal tract is apparently small, so you're really not getting much of what they eat into your cham. Do you have a nutrition chart for supers? Just wondering cause I can only find stuff that gives percentages of what makes up the insects, but not exact numbers.
Its not that they dont eat, but that their intestinal tract is apparently small, so you're really not getting much of what they eat into your cham. Do you have a nutrition chart for supers? Just wondering cause I can only find stuff that gives percentages of what makes up the insects, but not exact numbers.
I did let me see if I can find it . I think I found it on a older thread like 09 .
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