Time again to branch up


New Member
Last summer I found a bunch of dead branches outback and I soaked them in water then bleach then water for a whole week before I got Charlie. Now its winter and I have his new cage but I been waiting for the it to stop snowing to go find branches.
I found the pile I threw out from last summer and found nice branches. I am wondering if I need to soak them like I did last time.

Since its cold out and the branches have been sitting in snow, does that mean I still have to soak them??
Honestly, I don't soak or bake my branches. I pluck them off my Mulberry tree in the front, hose them off, let them dry and put them in. I would think that you don't have anything to worry about as far as bugs or unless you have used pesticides.
Honestly, I don't soak or bake my branches. I pluck them off my Mulberry tree in the front, hose them off, let them dry and put them in. I would think that you don't have anything to worry about as far as bugs or unless you have used pesticides.

They are perfectly natural and clean branches
I dont clean anything... I would just put them right on in the cage. I dont clean sand (Dirt) either for egg laying. Do you think everything is clean and bleached in Madagascar? I mean if people are going to go as far as to bleach branches and clean dirt, then they should raise the chameleon up in a bubble so that it has no contact with outside elements! I know people think "if i clean it, it would be better"...but its not necessary in my opinion!..... "but to each is own!!"
I thought it was a must but ok thanks alot. After I get it put together im going to post the cage on new thread
I would wash them off again and the person that said is "everything washed and bleached in madagascar?" i hate to say but a lot of chameleons pass away in the wild due to parasite problems and other things so i would say its better to be safe then sorry.
I would wash them off again and the person that said is "everything washed and bleached in madagascar?" i hate to say but a lot of chameleons pass away in the wild due to parasite problems and other things so i would say its better to be safe then sorry.

most parasites don't kill chameleons, when you add stress to the equation then youve got a problem. just hose it off and let it dry. scrape off everything that is dead on the outside as well.

EDIT: if the branch came from high up in a tree and is in good condition its fine, but if it was on the ground for a while, maybe starting to decay, I would soak/bake it.
most parasites don't kill chameleons, when you add stress to the equation then youve got a problem. just hose it off and let it dry. scrape off everything that is dead on the outside as well.

oh thanks for correcting me on that, i wasnt quite aware. but i really think what that guy said really didnt make sense if you think about it
I'm going to go start right now but what do u mean by scrape it off?

get a dish rag or something like like and rub really hard on the brach, you will see all sorts of crap come off of it, this is not necessary but it makes the branches look better. If there is stuff visibly peeling off of it remove it.
I know you got wild grapevine in indy right? I just go out in a forest area and collect the giant grapevine and use that. It works really well and when it is still green you can bend it wich ever way you like... when it dries out, it will stay in the shape you made it. These are better than branches that will be frail and break after they dry.
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