Time to upgrade

For example, from the top to the middle section is a lot of Pothos. So much that Chandler can't easily move through the top layer. Light doesn't really reach the bottom of the cage anymore.
I did not mean to double post, I got a new phone and still getting use to the size of it.
Mainly the Pothos are growing like weeds and overtaking the enclosure.
Pothos always grow like weeds. So do some philodendrons & inchplants.
IME, they're kind of like earthworms; cut them in half and both halves will grow into new plants.

I have all three. For the first 10-12 feet, I tried training them around various branches,supports, and other plants. They're probably over 20' now, but there's so much foliage in there that they're left to train themselves. Every few months I pull out the dead sections, but the plants just keep on going like...

energizer bunny 90s GIF

But they're not hurting anything.

There are more like these; just cross-check against chameleon-safe plants. 😁

I have plants on the bottom, all the trimmings from the Pothos when I transferred them to the enclosure were put in the bottom and have started to grow.

Interestingly, the two plants growing like weeds are the Nepenthes and Pothos.

And the nepenthes are doing exactly what I intended for them to do. Catching excess crickets and fungus gnats.
And the nepenthes are doing exactly what I intended for them to do. Catching excess crickets and fungus gnats.
That's good. My cricket escapees don't seem to climb much, and I haven't had gnats inside the enclosure. When I had the nepenthis in there, I had to feed them feeders that had recently died; fortunately, nepenthes don't seem to care about live food. :LOL:

That's a lot of food in that pitcher! No wonder your is doing so well.
Yeah, despite my best efforts to prevent gnats from being in the enclosure in the first place by prepping and sanitizing the substrate and plants prior to them going in, I still ended up with them. Basically knew they were a common thing with bioactive enclosures prior to actually setting it up and more of a nuisance than anything else. Hence the pitcher plants, in the sixish months of the enclosure has been setup, the fungus gnat population has been almost completely wiped out by the springtails population increasing and the pitcher plants. I also might have a small breeding population of black soldier flies. I added some larvae in a few months back and regularly have adults emerge every few weeks, just not sure if they are breeding but based on life cycle, it would seem that I do have a small breeding population.
So I've ran into an issue, it's a good issue, but essentially the plants have grown in to the point of making pathing difficult for Chandler so I'll be doing some trimming in the future.

It's come so far from when I started it though.
Well even though Chandler has passed, I've kept the bioactive enclosure run Nik. I decided to add in some edible mushroom spawn and thus far have Shitake, Shaggy Mane and Lion's Mane growing. Also decided to repot the plants as they were becoming root bound and reorganize the enclosure slightly. I'll upload a post later with mushroom pictures, have to crop them down to size! Anyone know the file size limit for pictures?
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