Tinley narbc pick ups

Countryside Chams

New Member
Picked up these two from Dan at chameleon addict at the narbc this weekend. Exited to see what the little males turns into and looking for a blue bar male to pair with the good looking lady soon.
I didn't get anything. I went in hopes of finding a good Nosy Be Juvenile but no luck. LLL had a small "adult" nosy be but it was green and black (stressed obviously) but didn't look anywhere near an adult or a Be. Saw a red bar that looked pretty bad.. His fat pads were sunken in and the top of his nose as well. Same booth had a couple banja boys too that did look decent however. I was overall impressed with the show. We did pick up a TON of supplies and some good feeders aswell :)
I did see the same nosy be. I didn't see the banjas, but we didn't have as much time as I would have liked. We loaded up on feeders also!
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