Tj at 22 grams


Retired Moderator
My baby is growing up. He was only 3 grams when he arrived, now he is 22 grams. There will be no comment about my lousy picture taking abilities.:eek:

On his weighting tree

The scale telling all

Running back into his cage.

Link to new pictures.
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Not being found is him main focus along with eating. I will add more pictures tomorrow when he isn't so upset. He really is the cutest thing in the world.
Awww. I should weigh his brother Dirk. He is just now getting horn nubbins. :)

Thanks for the update Laurie!

Awww. I should weigh his brother Dirk. He is just now getting horn nubbins. :)

Thanks for the update Laurie!


You are very welcome, I can never thank you enough for TJ. Today he finally ate dubia from my hand. That is a big milestone for us. I will add some decent pictures tomorrow morning if he will let me take them.
Not being found is him main focus along with eating. I will add more pictures tomorrow when he isn't so upset. He really is the cutest thing in the world.

Aaawwww, good clever TJ, being a proper Chameleon - not like all these silly friendly panthers we hear so much about :)
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