to all of u who wanted to see my cham/chams are some links!!!! plz comment

I'm sorta still new to this whole Chameleon thing..

But I am certain on one thing...

Your cage should NOT be by a window or outside wall.. it makes the cage colder and not very warm for your Chameleon. . . You should move the cage to a different wall.. and I don't know how sanitary it is to have the cage that close to the bed..

Whats wrong with the Chameleon??
I'm sorta still new to this whole Chameleon thing..

But I am certain on one thing...

Your cage should NOT be by a window or outside wall.. it makes the cage colder and not very warm for your Chameleon. . . You should move the cage to a different wall.. and I don't know how sanitary it is to have the cage that close to the bed..

Whats wrong with the Chameleon??

How often are your lights on? off? What wattage are the bulbs? What kind of bulbs? How often do you mist? How often do you handle the little guy? What are you feeding him? Are you putting Supplements on his food?
How often are your lights on? off? What wattage are the bulbs? What kind of bulbs? How often do you mist? How often do you handle the little guy? What are you feeding him? Are you putting Supplements on his food?

well first of all i took ur first post offensive, my bed is sanitary and u have no right to say otherwise...and ill do more research and see if moving the cage is the best idea, thanks tho..ohh and he just has a loss of appetite the last few days and is crawlin all over the mesh
well first of all i took ur first post offensive, my bed is sanitary and u have no right to say otherwise...and ill do more research and see if moving the cage is the best idea, thanks tho..ohh and he just has a loss of appetite the last few days and is crawlin all over the mesh

not the bed the cage. I'm sorry I was told not to keep reptiles that close. :(

He looks good. I read your other forum posts. My Male when I got him you could see EVERY bone in him. After about 2 weeks he was fattened up.

Maybe he just doesn't like eating with people in the room? Maybe try counting out 4-6 Crickets and putting them in a feeding cup in his cage and leave, and count them again later in the day.

How long have you had him? He might still be stressed from the move.
Well I hope he gets better.

You could try moving the cage and see if that changes anything. Just a thought. But if all else fails, there should be a reptile vet somewhere in your town or surrounding town that may be able to see him and tell you whats up with him.
not the bed the cage. I'm sorry I was told not to keep reptiles that close. :(

He looks good. I read your other forum posts. My Male when I got him you could see EVERY bone in him. After about 2 weeks he was fattened up.

Maybe he just doesn't like eating with people in the room? Maybe try counting out 4-6 Crickets and putting them in a feeding cup in his cage and leave, and count them again later in the day.

How long have you had him? He might still be stressed from the move.
srry didnt see u read last forum..iv had em almost 2 weeks now..the thing with the crickets is they seem to crawl out..especially when i mist the cup gets damp and they can grip the sides
BUT i do have good news..i put one of the egg cartons with the crix on it and put it on top of his ficus..i left the room and came back w/ the camera to take pics and he was right by assuming he ate...right now hes sleeping :) hes so cute
Well I hope he gets better.

You could try moving the cage and see if that changes anything. Just a thought. But if all else fails, there should be a reptile vet somewhere in your town or surrounding town that may be able to see him and tell you whats up with him.

im srry if i came off rude there..didnt mean to :(
srry didnt see u read last forum..iv had em almost 2 weeks now..the thing with the crickets is they seem to crawl out..especially when i mist the cup gets damp and they can grip the sides
BUT i do have good news..i put one of the egg cartons with the crix on it and put it on top of his ficus..i left the room and came back w/ the camera to take pics and he was right by assuming he ate...right now hes sleeping :) hes so cute

I do know how frustrating it can be. A few weeks after I got my Female she refused to eat. She went almost 2 weeks without food, and I was worried about her so much. My BF kept saying "oh she's fine" I didn't believe him, but then we bought her like 5 crickets to see if she would eat yet and she did.

So I know how it gets. My Chams have been nothing but problems, but usually with time and patience and frustration it works out.

I put some comments in your other post. It makes things tougher here when people run multiple posts on the same issue.:)

If you want you can go to your OTHER thread and read some ideas about your cage. As for your chameleon, he/she looks great to me. I couldn't see whether there were "spurs" behind its rear feet. My guess is that it is about to shed. Many many chams lose their appetite before a shed. It is very worrisome and disconcerting because you can't always tell they're about to shed and then suddenly viola! One morning you look and see this white phantom running about!

If you spend a lot of time in your room, near his cage, and you think he may like more privacy, you can place green patio shade fabric (it's available at hardware stores by the yard and is quite cheap) over the sides of his cage. We've done that for new chams that are getting acclimated, and for gravid females who desire more privacy before digging and burying their eggs.
thanks for ur replies zoe :) i appreciate it..and i also have more good news! my female leopard gecko who hasnt been eating for like 2 weeks (her tail was SO skinny) just ate about 15 crix today! wooo! i was soo relieved...shes so clumbsy tho..a crickets like 3 inches away from her and shell snap at it and be off by like 2 inches..makes me laugh everytime
I put some comments in your other post. It makes things tougher here when people run multiple posts on the same issue.:)

If you want you can go to your OTHER thread and read some ideas about your cage. As for your chameleon, he/she looks great to me. I couldn't see whether there were "spurs" behind its rear feet. My guess is that it is about to shed. Many many chams lose their appetite before a shed. It is very worrisome and disconcerting because you can't always tell they're about to shed and then suddenly viola! One morning you look and see this white phantom running about!

If you spend a lot of time in your room, near his cage, and you think he may like more privacy, you can place green patio shade fabric (it's available at hardware stores by the yard and is quite cheap) over the sides of his cage. We've done that for new chams that are getting acclimated, and for gravid females who desire more privacy before digging and burying their eggs.
i saw his spurrs at the store thats what made me buy him :) hes so cool..u know when i got into veileds and started researching i was like ohhhh god i better not get an angry that i think about it stretch isnt the nicest cham but he still rocks and is the best if u ask me :p ...when i say thats what made me buy him i mean cuz he was a male hehe
thanks for ur replies zoe :) i appreciate it..and i also have more good news! my female leopard gecko who hasnt been eating for like 2 weeks (her tail was SO skinny) just ate about 15 crix today! wooo! i was soo relieved...shes so clumbsy tho..a crickets like 3 inches away from her and shell snap at it and be off by like 2 inches..makes me laugh everytime

Its amazing how long they can hold off eating.. scares you and them BAM its like nothing happened and they are pigs :p
i saw his spurrs at the store thats what made me buy him :) hes so cool..u know when i got into veileds and started researching i was like ohhhh god i better not get an angry that i think about it stretch isnt the nicest cham but he still rocks and is the best if u ask me :p ...when i say thats what made me buy him i mean cuz he was a male hehe

My Male is pretty mean. He hissed and strikes at you when you try and take him out of his cage. he also opens his mouth like really big. He never bites but for someone who doesn't know him, could scare the crap outta them. Hopefully yours won't end up like this one. Though mine did come from a bad home.
My Male is pretty mean. He hissed and strikes at you when you try and take him out of his cage. he also opens his mouth like really big. He never bites but for someone who doesn't know him, could scare the crap outta them. Hopefully yours won't end up like this one. Though mine did come from a bad home.
haha im gona slow down on the handling (which i dont do much unless im tryin to get him to eat) the way his body changes when hes pissed amazes me he hisses and his body gets SO wide..hes still young so he only gets like dark green with spots but still its amazing
haha im gona slow down on the handling (which i dont do much unless im tryin to get him to eat) the way his body changes when hes pissed amazes me he hisses and his body gets SO wide..hes still young so he only gets like dark green with spots but still its amazing

Yeah I didn't think of the mean part of them when I went and bought my BF the Female. Hell, I didn't even know that the Females could get Egg Bound.

But the vicious thing is what I think about now before I get anything. I am trying to find a Iguana, and I've seen one of those get pretty damn pissy.
haha im gona slow down on the handling (which i dont do much unless im tryin to get him to eat) the way his body changes when hes pissed amazes me he hisses and his body gets SO wide..hes still young so he only gets like dark green with spots but still its amazing

Just saw your pics.
Everything looks fine (w/ the exception of that ceramic heat).
Just use the regular house bulb as a basking lamp.
Your cham does not look skinny at all and seem to be very content in the enclosure.

Putting him next to window is also FINE.
as I recall you live in South California, yes?
During the night, the temp of my room never falls below 60 F.
So, your veiled can definitely handle that temp.

The benefit of putting it next to a window is that he can enjoy direct sunlight. (provided that you open the window for him because glass block UVB light)
Like Gesang said, it probably close to shedding so his appetite decrease.
Also, lately the winter has made my chameleon slow down his metabolism too.

I say reduce your handling regime to no more than 2X a week or even less.
They do not enjoy being handled.

another suggestion is to put one biovine that runs vertically from the bottom of the bucket all the way to the Ficus plants you have.
Just in case he fell down, he will have a climbing branch to avoid drowning from the drainage bucket (i assume the red plastic tub you have)
And you will need the thermometer and the hygrometer.

Hope that helps
Just saw your pics.
Everything looks fine (w/ the exception of that ceramic heat).
Just use the regular house bulb as a basking lamp.
Your cham does not look skinny at all and seem to be very content in the enclosure.

Putting him next to window is also FINE.
as I recall you live in South California, yes?
During the night, the temp of my room never falls below 60 F.
So, your veiled can definitely handle that temp.

The benefit of putting it next to a window is that he can enjoy direct sunlight. (provided that you open the window for him because glass block UVB light)
Like Gesang said, it probably close to shedding so his appetite decrease.
Also, lately the winter has made my chameleon slow down his metabolism too.

I say reduce your handling regime to no more than 2X a week or even less.
They do not enjoy being handled.

another suggestion is to put one biovine that runs vertically from the bottom of the bucket all the way to the Ficus plants you have.
Just in case he fell down, he will have a climbing branch to avoid drowning from the drainage bucket (i assume the red plastic tub you have)
And you will need the thermometer and the hygrometer.

Hope that helps
thanks a lot man i just bought a humidity gauge..and its the one that u velcro mount onto the cage..not digital sadly :( and i guess im just paranoid about him being skinny =/ but i do hope hes content with his cage..just talking with u guys makes me realize how awesome he is
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