To Many


I have been keeping my eye on Craig's list for another cage. I typed in Chameleon today and oh my their are 6 chams that need homes or some one is trying to rehome them:( I feel so bad for these guys. I have 4 of my own and that is enough for me right now! Needless to say I ordered a cage from LLL reptile today. I am going to try to post maybe a care sheet for uneducated owners and direct them here if nobody minds.:eek:
there are a lot of uneducated people on craigslist.... 75% of the chameleons on there come in glass aquariums and they expect you to pay for the crappy enclosure when you get the chameleon. I've tried to rescue some in my area and they told me they wouldnt sell without the glass aquarium :(
there are a lot of uneducated people on craigslist.... 75% of the chameleons on there come in glass aquariums and they expect you to pay for the crappy enclosure when you get the chameleon. I've tried to rescue some in my area and they told me they wouldnt sell without the glass aquarium :(

They make good roach bins or cricket keepers.... or converting you to a fish person;):D

It is sad to look on craigslist. :eek::(
I have/ have had several rescues off of Craigslist. People tend to want pets to go to a good home and if you offer your experience level and show them your chams along with asking very specific questions about theirs to drive the unreasonable prices down (have they had a recent fecal float? Where and when did they get them? How old is the cham? If female, has she laid any clutches? Have they had any health problems? etc) you can do really well. Do your best to put people at ease and have an appropriate cage ready before bringing the animal home. Get a fecal exam as soon as possible and quarantine for sure. Let the cham acclimate over several days before even looking at it terribly closely (barring obvious huge injuries that need immediate attention)

It is also my personal policy not to pay for rescue chams as it encourages the previous owners to be impulsive in the future and paying them to fix their problem isn't fair. There need to be proper consequences for bad decisions.
I cant stand those glass enclosures!!!!! i dont blame the people though for wanting to sell everything as a unit and not only the chameleon alone:confused:
I've actually been looking on craigslist lately for a new cham. What sucks is there are a lot of people trying to push off problem, pet because they cant be responsible. The comment about the glass tanks is so true as well. All the ads are for a cham + fish tank. Its a shame people can just buy an animal with no edjucation about it.
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