to much water?


New Member
is it bad if to have the dripper dripping water and the mistking spraying water? my cage gets dry but there still alot of water falling from the top of the cage.
As long as the cage humidity level is where you want it and water doesn't sit stagnating in the bottom of the cage where molds and bacteria build it it should be OK.
how long does the humidity need to stay up for? i had my mist turn on 47 mins ago, and now my humidity is at 27%, is that bad?
What are you using to measure the humidity? 27% seems quite low 47 mins after a mist. How long is your mistking running for each session?
yeah that is way too low! the humidity should be at least 50%, maybe try using warmer water in your mister and have it go off more often and longer...
Hey...what do you suggest if I am having a hard time getting my humidity past 50% for longer than an hour?


What about overnight....what should the humidity be?
I'm not sure that warm water increases the humidity. I would increase the number of live plants in the cage. If you can put them in clay pots (as opposed to plastic) it will help. You can even get terracotta pots, soak them in water and put them in the cage without plants. Put one upside down where your dripper hits the bottom to absorb the drip and keep that moisture in the cage a little longer.

You might try covering one or two sides of the cage with plastic. You can cover as many as 3 if necessary.
I'm not sure that warm water increases the humidity. I would increase the number of live plants in the cage. If you can put them in clay pots (as opposed to plastic) it will help. You can even get terracotta pots, soak them in water and put them in the cage without plants. Put one upside down where your dripper hits the bottom to absorb the drip and keep that moisture in the cage a little longer.

You might try covering one or two sides of the cage with plastic. You can cover as many as 3 if necessary.
i agree just thought warm water might help:eek:
I do think chameleons prefer warm water for misting though, so whether it helps with humidity or not, it might be a good idea.
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