Today is day 30..and no signs of laying yet!


New Member
My veiled is huge with eggs but here we are day 30 and she's basking away, eating like a hog, and not going anywhere near the bottom of her cage or the laying bins in it :( I'm so anxious..they sure do keep you waiting!
I would be careful not to over feed and give her a drop or 2 of liquid calcium. Sometimes they do go longer that 30 days. If she were mine I'd try putting her in a trashcan laying bin with no way out for a couple hours one afternoon this week and see if she starts digging. They usually dig in the late afternoon.
Thanks for the advice, I will try putting her in the bin I have set up this afternoon and see if anything happens. I haven't been letting her eat too much, she eats all I give her and looks for more but I've been watching it. I've been giving her calcium daily of course but I will try some liquid calcium as well today. She is alert and has been actively walking around the top of her cage. Can the weather be throwing her off? All of a sudden it is COLD here today. I had to switch their bulbs back to the higher watt ones. Any idea where to buy the liquid calcium? I believe people use calcium bicarbonate orally but I'm not sure where they carry it. I'll get ready now and go in search of some!
I get my liquid calcium from my vet but you might be able to buy it on line. She will also need it for a few days after laying.
Okay got some ordered from someone that was recommended in another forum post. Have her in the laying bin, should I have her sleep in there so I don't have to keep moving her back and forth? Maybe less stress and it'll give her time to get comfortable with her new surroundings? Could there be a possibility that she does not like the washed play sand? I can mix some organic potting soil into it if need be, what do you think?
I would only leave her in there a couple of hours and if she shows no signs of digging try it again in a few days. I have found that the moisture of the sand has to be just right not to dry and not to wet or my female refuses to use it. She just might not be ready yet.
Okay thank you very much I really appreciate your advice. I will moisten one side of the trash bin a little bit more than the other just in case she wants a little more or less moisture and is walking around investigating...maybe that'll help her to find the "perfect spot"
i have the same problem... my veiled is now 35 days and still no sign of laying her eggs, he has everything right for her... i'll also try the bin to see if she will lay her eggs.... if you talking of n few hours should it be 2 or 5 hours you leave her in there... should one also put a basking light and Repti glo 5.0 ???
FINALLY day 37 and she has dug a hole!!

After much anticipation, giving daily liquid calcium and worrying she'd never lay the eggs and would become egg bound...she finally started digging shortly after I put her in the laying bin today. It's been in her cage, we took the trash can bin we made her, removed some branches from her cage and made room to fit it in the cage..what an ordeal that was getting it to fit in there lol! Even still she showed no signs of being remotely interested. I put a branch in that wasn't tall enough to climb out of the bin but after 2 days of being in there, still no signs of climbing off the branch to explore the sand. I took her out and put her back on the branches at the top of her cage and she never even roamed around looking for a spot to lay or strayed form the top branches. So today I once again put her in the trash can with a short stick so she couldn't climb out and this time I also got a stick and dug a hole in the corner for her, about 4" deep. I left her for a few hours then carefully took a little peek just enough to see her back legs moving around in the sand, a sign she was FINALLY DIGGING!! Guess she's just so spoiled (or smart) she wanted me to do start the work for her ;) She is now backward in the hole, thank goodness!!
Good news! Ive two females that are gravid now Im waiting on. If one of them doesnt lay today. We are off to the vet tomorrow for a shot. Made our appt today. Im giving her one last chance to lay on her own today. If not she's taking the needle. I told her before I left for work she better go ahead and dig. This is my first time to need a shot. Normally my females all lay by the 25-28th day. I have a feeling she'll be dropping them in the box on the way home tomorrow. :(
Laying Time

I always use a plastic trash can for laying. My female Veileds are 5-6 weeks before laying. I wait until she tells me she is ready. They stop eating 2-3 days before laying, she walks the bottom of her cage or she is unsettled and can't keep still. Then i put her in the trash can with moist sand and a heat light over the top. This has always worked for me.
Could Jann or anyone else PLEASE put up a picture of what a female stuffed with eggs looks like?
I went to such a lot of trouble yesterday jamming a big laying box into my reptibreeze and I don't think she's anywhere NEAR laying or being full of eggs.
From all the posts I read (especially my veilied Guru Jann) it should be visible but where? Under the tail, at the abdomen?
Budgie is still eating like the proverbial horse so not off her food or anything and I con't help wonder if I'm doing all this several months too early just because I'm a frightened novice who's terrified of egg-bound-ness :eek:
Could Jann or anyone else PLEASE put up a picture of what a female stuffed with eggs looks like?
I went to such a lot of trouble yesterday jamming a big laying box into my reptibreeze and I don't think she's anywhere NEAR laying or being full of eggs.
From all the posts I read (especially my veilied Guru Jann) it should be visible but where? Under the tail, at the abdomen?
Budgie is still eating like the proverbial horse so not off her food or anything and I con't help wonder if I'm doing all this several months too early just because I'm a frightened novice who's terrified of egg-bound-ness :eek:

On my Cham you could see eggs poking out all over, it looked like she had little jellybean shapes protruding from her. At first it was under and on the sides but then she even got some way up almost on her back that were egg shapes poking out, she looked very huge and uncomfortable. But every time I tried to get a picture she'd get defensive and suck in so you couldn't tell there were eggs as much. I should got one when she was sleeping :( but she wasn't that huge until like a week or so before she laid them. The first thing I noticed was she started to get a little lumpy underneath, then gradually got lumpy period, all over. Here is a picture I found on google. Mine looked very similar but you could even see more individual egg shapes poking out at times too.


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