Today may be the day....

Fiona's Mom

Chameleon Enthusiast
Fiona is in her box digging as we speak...I am soooo excited. No she was not bred but this will be her 1st clutch. As normal for chameleons she did not do this by the book. She quit eating a while back for over a week, took her to vet...she was healthy but could not tell if she had eggs. Started eating again the next day. Has been eating every other day for almost 2 weeks...ate yesterday...and is digging for 1st time today. Go figure.
I will keep you posted.
My girl is still eating, she lost her receptive colors, but she just hangs out under her basking light all day now, she no longer crawls all over the cage
Fiona did the same...Fiona's nesting box is a med sized plastic waste can with flip up lid. I have it filled about 12" deep with play sand and coconut palm bedding mixed and moistened. Good luck.
Ill have to monitor mind, ive had the sand box in there for a long time, but i havnt seen her go down
I was beginning to think she wasn't going to lay since she already went through receptive, not eating, gravid and back to eating and being normal acting...then all of the sudden this morning she is digging in her bin for the 1st time.:rolleyes:
I am leaving her alone...hubby has been told not to go near her habitat until she comes out. I have 3 extra juicy hornworms and 4 big fat discoid roaches waiting to be dusted.... And more waiting if she wants. I am so glad things are going smooth so far.:oops:
She ate two hornworms and 4 nickel sized discoid roaches yesterday so I know she was strong and hydrated going into this and had a vet visit around two weeks ago and got a healthy report.
Fiona has covered her hole & come up out of egg laying bin. I have misted her enclosure, fresh water in her dripper and nice juicy hornworms and discoids in her feeding cup. I will not bother her tonight to be safe...I will check eggs in morning. Since they are not fertile I would rather she rest than seeing how many eggs. I SURVIVED and best of all SO DID SHE!!!! :love:
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I am so happy it went so smooth. It's wonderful when they take it all into their little hands and pull it off with no issue at all ^^
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