Tofu as a gutload??

I wouldn't think it would be that good. High protein gutload has been associated with gout where fish flakes and cat/dog food have been used as gutload. I use bee pollen to gutload my crix as well as fruit and veggies. They seem to love bee pollen and will pick it up and carry it around - I've even seen them snatch it off of each other too, lol!:D
Interesting post. I wonder if tofu would be a good gutload.

Anyone have any input? What about soy beans (edamame)?
My question is..why would you want to use tofu? There's so much more out there that is more nutritional to our chams and so much more convenient.

Don't forget, our guys need the green in their diet these insects eat. Depriving them of that by stuffing your insects with protein rich foods will lead to nothing but problems in the long run.

The gout is a possibility but is more common in herbivores that are given protein. Such as iguanas fed dog food. But in our chams too much protein for an extended period of time can cause it. Like I said they do need their greens.
I was thinking in addition to fruits and vegis. I heard protein helps the dubia reproduce quicker and I like to keep all the roaches in one bin. And I always have leftover tofu in my fridge! I love tofu too!
I dont think tofu would be all that bad as an occassional gutload. Its animal protein that one worries about, plant sources arent usually an issue.
Probably depends on the brand and how it is prepared.
Not far fetched

I dont think tofu would be all that bad as an occassional gutload. Its animal protein that one worries about, plant sources arent usually an issue.
Probably depends on the brand and how it is prepared.

Have used it in years past, but moved on to less expensive things due to our volume. Have seen it recommended in years past as well, but don't have those references at my fingertips. Have to agree with Sandra's take above, although I do not think you need to worry much about its preparation or brand. Would use it in moderation, and think it worthy of some experimentation, as noted in other posts, especially with roaches. Good luck.
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