Tommy ate his first super!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Yay! Tommy has eaten his first superworm, lol! :D Before I got him he was only fed locusts and waxworms and I have been struggling to get him to eat crickets or supers. He loves silkworms, but sadly, they aren't readily available in the UK. So I am chuffed to bits that he has actually eaten something else!:D
That is great! now that he has tried supers, he will go nuts for them unless he is different form all my chameleons.:)
Great to hear :) Dave still wont eat them :( he used to eat crickets locusts and waxworms, now he eats locusts (refuses crickets and morio's) will occasionally eat mealworms i only give him two waxes a week (he went through a stage of only eating them and refusing everything else) im going to try him on butterworms and silkworms shortly as well as his usual locusts just to vary things a bit, i don't like morios, i always feel like they're gonna bite me you know? lol
Great to hear :) Dave still wont eat them :( he used to eat crickets locusts and waxworms, now he eats locusts (refuses crickets and morio's) will occasionally eat mealworms i only give him two waxes a week (he went through a stage of only eating them and refusing everything else) im going to try him on butterworms and silkworms shortly as well as his usual locusts just to vary things a bit, i don't like morios, i always feel like they're gonna bite me you know? lol

Yeah, mine both love silkworms, but they are so hard to get in the UK! They are ALWAYS out of stock!:mad:
Yeah, mine both love silkworms, but they are so hard to get in the UK! They are ALWAYS out of stock!:mad:

I'm so glad to hear that Tommy ate his first superworm.

yet do you ever plan on breeding silkworms?
since they are so hard to get, do you ever think about it.
for me, it's just way too much work...I'm sure that I didn't do everything the easy way, but it's not hard to grow them to the size that they require to cacoon up and then turn to moths.
it could endup being a nice side job with extra cash flow if they are that rare by you.

The thought had crossed my mind, Harry. Only problem is mine seemed to die off before they got big enough to pupate. I bought 100 small sikies to grow on and split them into groups of size in tubs over mesh, etc, etc, but still I lost a fair few of them.:confused: Don't think they like our climate too much, lol!
that's great. some day I hope Zee will be able to eat the bigger worms. when he grows up. right now he can only eat the small to medium silk worms, the wax worms, and the med crickets. i haven't tried meal worms on him yet. he did like phoenix worms.
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