my female werner is having problems retacting her tonge. I came home from work to find her with her tonge out and she took it back in with a little help and misting.she seemed ok then she spit it back out and now it is hanging half out any help would be great
Very serious issue. I've never had such issue so I'm not experienced at all. You must not let the tongue dry out. Keep the tongue a moist via spraying. Schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible.
If the tongue is hanging out you need to keep it moist. The chameleon won't be able to chew with it hanging out (or it will bite it off, of course) you will need to take it to a vet and have it amputated.
If you leave it and it bites it or chews it off, then its liable to get an infection. If it is chewed off the remaining part may slide back over the hyoid spike or it may flap around and annoy the chameleon.
here is an update for you, we made it through the night she stuck her tongue out a few times but manages to pull it back in on her own.I have been misting when the tongue is out and in between.she is very alert and active. the swelling has gone down alot and the tongue in now more pink.I will schedual a vet visit and also keep everyone onformed