tongue hanging out


10 month male panther chameleon. I just noticed today his mouth is slightly open and his tongue is hanging out a little bit. Is this a raspatory infection?


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as of this morning before I noticed issues he ate fine. But to be fair I fed him I turned around and back around and he had a cricket in his mouth then I left out the door to work. Yesterday he ate out of my hand which was a big step for him overcoming how scary I am. I supplement repticalcium without d3 and repashycalcium plus. I also combine bee pollen every other feeding. Another thing is today he was gaping in an area of his cage that is considered a cool area so there is no way he was overheating down there. I have a arcadia 6% uvb. I asked my breeder what was going on and they think its a possible tongue damage by maybe biting it or something. I didnt see any tongue damage but I also wasnt around to see it happen.
It could be tongue damage even though you don't see anything....muscle damage wouldn't likely show. It could be something else that's going on too...hard to tell.
What insects are you feeding him
Crickets (main diet), superworms about 3 a week, he recently had about 5 horn worms in the last week because I bought a 5 pack and 1 grew to a very large size and I made sure to feed all hornworms in a plastic cup. He refuses to eat discoid roaches. also he ate a wax worm from my hands yesterday morning. I also noticed this morning he started to shed on his feet and tail. I am worried about a upper respitory infection. I pointed the fan at his cage right before lights off and he ran over and fell asleep in front of the fan. That may be a sign of not enough airflow that hes craving?
I stopped feeding hornworms when one hung on so tight our panther had his tongue sticking out several inches for a couple of minutes. It’s fine now but it was scary and freaky!
Not sure about air flow. A fan will dry out the environment though and you want higher humidity at night. As long as your enclosure isn’t covered with plastic on more than three sides then he has enough airflow. As far as his tongue goes, horn worms can hang on tight to whatever they’re sitting on when a Cham grabs them with they’re tongue and can cause some damage to the tongue also super worms have been known to bite chams tongues when they eat them so it could be either of those things. The only way to know for sure what’s wrong is to take him to a good reptile vet.
Not sure about air flow. A fan will dry out the environment though and you want higher humidity at night. As long as your enclosure isn’t covered with plastic on more than three sides then he has enough airflow. As far as his tongue goes, horn worms can hang on tight to whatever they’re sitting on when a Cham grabs them with they’re tongue and can cause some damage to the tongue also super worms have been known to bite chams tongues when they eat them so it could be either of those things. The only way to know for sure what’s wrong is to take him to a good reptile vet.
The only bug he has ate since last confirming his tongue was 100% working were crickets. So how does a vet test to see if there is a RI
if you’re having trouble keeping his humidity up you can cover the back and two sides of his cage with a shower curtain or window insulation plastic as well as make sure he has plenty of live plants. That will help greatly with humidity
Are you hearing any popping or wheezing when he’s breathing? Does he have any stringy secretions in his mouth while it’s open?
Are you hearing any popping or wheezing when he’s breathing? Does he have any stringy secretions in his mouth while it’s open?
in the last month there has been 3 times when I get near him with my hand usually he gets defensive but I noticed there were a few times where he kinda sneezed at me. I have only ever heard it when he was in defensive mode next to my hand
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