Tongue hanging out


New Member
Good Morning!! I have a Female Flapneck Chemeleon that i bought about 2 1/2 months ago and she was pregnant, she laid 29 eggs about a month ago. This morning I found her with her tongue hanging out and she cant seem to get it back in. Should I be worried??
Definitely not a good thing. There could be a few reasons for this. A trip to the vet asap is needed.
In the mean time, try to keep the tongue moist by spraying it every once in a while.
I'm know nothing about that, but it definately sounds strange! You should fill out the info on your cham, and enclosure, it will help others who know more about this stuff help you find the right answer. Look under the 'How to ask for help' post, that will tell you what you need to fill out.
Should I be worried??

Yes. Put the chameleon in a small enclosure/tub (use great care when moving a chameleon with a hyperextended/unretracted tongue, support the tongue) where there's little for the tongue to get wrapped around/stuck on /damaged by. Keep the tongue moist. If the chameleon doesnt get her tongue back in within about 24 hours, See a vet.
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