Too many dubias


Chameleon Enthusiast
How do you guys keep your roach colony in check? I have thousands and I can't possibly feed them off.
Lol so do I. They are basically a garbage disposal now. I can throw a giant plate of food in their bin and they finish it within the day. I just turn the temps down and feed them once a week to slow down reproducing. Just kind of let it be from there, when they're crowded enough they'll slow down.
Sell them... I'm sure there are chameleon owners near by that will happily buy from you if you sell them for a reasonable price. Try ebay and your area of craigslist.
There’s a feeder marketplace on here. People post daily looking for a cheap starter. Sell off a large group of females and you’ll slow them down for a few months until more females mature.

If you’re on Facebook there are tons of reptile related forums that allow sales. There are definitely easy avenues for downsizing easily and not hurting the overall colony.
Thanks for all the replies, it would be best to find someone local. I don't really want to package and sell bugs, I would rather give them away locally. Also, I gave up facebook a few years's a long story:rolleyes:
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