Too Many Eggs i need to get rid of some

i have a few hundred mealworm beattles breeding right now:eek: and i have one mantis ooth coming in the male:eek: so i might sell some mantis in a few weeks:eek: and now i thought i had no more females right..... 2 MORE FEMALES JUST HATCHED out of there cocoons:eek::eek::eek: i think ill really have toooooooooo many eggs:p i have a container that has at least 500-600 eggs and my new 2 females about another 600+ eggs and 2 females mating right now another 200+ eggs im going to die:p
something BIG came up im selling ALL of my eggs and ALL of my moths for $50 i will negotiate but i wont go that low my cell is 323-767-3840 txt for a faster response so txt dont call:eek::D and i have 2 newly hatched females who will lay tons and eggs are all fertile i have watched them mate:p and put the female aside when done to lay her eggs and i have about 7 females and 6 males 2 females just hatched 20 minutes ago and are waiting to be bread and i have about 300+eggs in a container that are fertile and they are all zebra silkworms i have 10 HUGE horworms getting ready to pupate that i will also sell for a little more:eek::D so contact emidiatley because im in a HUGE hurry to sell everything:D
zebras!!! i want i want iwant! lol
however i have never raised silks from eggs only bought the pre packaged with food from mulbery
how does one hatch a zebra good sir?:D
well as soon as they are laid you wait 1 month and then put them in the fridge but during the month your waiting they will be yellow gold and turn to grey when they turn grey that means they are fertile and wait the month and put them in the fridge wait about 2 months and take them out they'll hatch in about 2 weeks in a warm enviroment but i herd some will hatch without ever having to put them in the fridge and some go in the fridge for 1 month and come out the next month a lot of people expirement. i have plenty eggs to expirement with though:D and then keep them in a warm container with a very small piece of moist paper towle and check on them every day until they hatch when they hatch they will be VERY small just put a little piece of food and theyll eat like crazy and get HUGE before your eyes i learned everything from this site here that ive kept a secret from everyone:p but serious i havent told any one but here it is:p
Are you shipping hornworms?! My chams would love you forever if you were shipping them!

i wont have any horworms until next month sorry:eek: but i do and will sell horworms REALLY cheap that or just trade me an exotic species of praying mantis and in exchange ill give you LOTS or worms:D:D:D
Hey, just put the females on a piece of paper or cardboard and cover them with a cup. They will lay eggs on the paper and you can just sell the pieces of paper instead of scraping them off. They hatch better that way.

Edit: also, selling the adults is really a no-go since they only live for a week or so. Just let them lay and sell the eggs.
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Hey, just put the females on a piece of paper or cardboard and cover them with a cup. They will lay eggs on the paper and you can just sell the pieces of paper instead of scraping them off. They hatch better that way.

Edit: also, selling the adults is really a no-go since they only live for a week or so. Just let them lay and sell the eggs.

ya im already trying to sell them some females are done laying and some are barely getting started there still mating actually
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